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Artie's POV

When I woke up, everything was blurry. I took a good guess and assumed I was in a hospital. I mean it smelled like a hospital. I could hear the faint sound of a TV in the back round. I looked around and heard a lady rush into the room. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be sleep.

"Oh my god hazel", said the woman. "Mommy is here. Oh please wake up. Please"

She started to cry. I already felt bad for the woman. She started to apologize for thing that I couldn't quite understand. I started to get nervous. I couldn't keep my eyes still anymore so I started to fake wake up. I saw a women standing over another bed. I couldn't tell what she really looked like but she was around hazels height and she had the same curly brown hair but hers was in a ponytail. My mom came in with my chair and when she saw me she smiled.

"Artie I have your wheel chair. Your glasses broke so I brought your contacts. Are you ok honey? Kids are so cruel. I'm so sorry you have to go through this"

"It's ok. Thanks mom"

I put my contacts on and look around. That's better. I looked at the woman and nearly fainted....again. She look so much like hazel I thought she WAS hazel. She had the same almond shaped honey brown sad eyes and caramel colored skin. She looked at us like we had just shot her. She walked over to me and my mom pointing her finger.

"You did this to her"

I look around to see who she was talking to. When I realized she was talking to me my eyes widened.

"Um no. ma'am I would never do anything to hurt her"

"It's funny how when she came to this school and started talking to you all this bad stuff happens"

"Ma'am people were pressuring hazel to bully me. She couldn't do it so the bullied both of us."

"She should've stayed away from you. Kids like you carry trouble. Now look at where you are and blame yourself"

She began to walk out but stopped at the door.

"Stay away from my daughter"

She left the room.  The sad thing is that I DO blame myself. I couldn't stand up and fight for her when the jock pushed her out of the chair. Heck I couldn't stand up and fight for myself. That really put me down. I layed back down to rest.

*later that day*

I decided to wheel around the hospital to exercise my arms which were kind of weak and try to eat. My mom gave me a few dollars to get some food from the cafeteria so I wheeled down there.  After I paid for my food I went to leave but stopped again because I thought I saw hazel but then realized it was her mom. I hesitated but went over to her.

"Is this seat taken?"

"By anyone but you", she said coldly.

"I want to talk to you."

She was turned away from me. It was like she thought I was bad family member she didn't want to claim.

"ma'am, please look at me"

When she did and my heart skipped a beat.  The hurt in her eyes was just like hazels.  Her eyes got big when she looked at me. A smile came to her face and she looked ten years younger than she already looked.

"You my dear, have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. I see what hazel sees in you already."

"So can we talk?"


"Ma'am I want to formally introduce myself. I'm author Abrams but everyone calls me artie. I date your beautiful daughter hazel and she's amazing. I would never do anything to hurt her or break her heart. What happened today was completely terrible but I will assure you it will never happen again."

"It's nice to meet you artie"

"I want to ask you a question"

"Ask away"

"When I first saw hazel, I noticed something in her eyes that completely hypnotized me."

"Which was...."

"She seemed...sad"

"She's always sad"' she said rolling her eyes.

"Here's the thing, I saw the same sadness in your eyes too."

She wasn't smiling anymore instead, she busted out crying.

"You know, you are the first person to even notice the sadness I was trying so hard to hide"

She leaned over to give me a hug.

"You truly are kind and hazel is lucky to have you"

I smiled.

"You know, you can talk to me and my mother if there is something wrong. We can help you get threw anything if you really want help. My mother is a psychiatrist."

She laughed.

"So that's where you get your listening skills from"

We talk and talked and talked and the more we talk the more confront able she seemed to get. She told all about hazel and how her life was before she came to Lima. She told about her sisters her dad and how she seemed to become distant from the family. She admitted to me that lately she's been harsh on her and might be making her feel lonely and unheard and even though there is no excuse, she was sorry. She told me about all the stress and unhappiness that has been thrown there way. She even told me about hazels older brother and sisters and how those leaving may have also caused a lot of the stress sense they depended on them for a lot of things. Hazel's mom was delightful. She reminded me of hazel so much I felt like it was her spilling the sadness from her eyes to me.  She smiled, laughed and even cried a bit when she was telling me these things but the whole time she never stop looking at me. I didn't see the darkness I once saw in her eyes anymore. We must have been talking for a while because the next thing I knew, my mom was standing behind me rubbing my back. I looked up at my mom to see her smiling down at me.

"I just want to apologize... for everything.... Artie I want to tell you.... I told hazel she couldn't see you anymore. I was completely wrong. She deserves to be happy and free. She deserves you."

That really touched my heart. This lady has through so much and all she needed was for someone to talk to.

"There is no need to apologize, you didn't know me at the time and you didn't want hazel to jump into anything. "

She started to cry again and my mom hugged her.

"Feel free to come by office anytime. All you need is for someone to talk to every now and then."

I wheeled away to let them talk and went back to our hospital room to see hazel standing in the window as if she was about to jump.

this book is almost over. I cant wait to start on my next one which has all the glee charactors in it. i might do a book for each season or (since i have no life) a book for each episode with my own twist and stuff. yea just tell me what you guys would want to see next. and btw, i have the most shocking (and incredibly hard to do ) plot twist. you find it in the next chapter..... or not if no one comments and vote. ha ha . i also decided to change bree and make her hazel since im not going to use that person to play bree. also im redoing chapters cuz i realized all this happended in like 2 days. uh yea let me now in the comments what i should do. i had my friends go over it and they were like change it up a bit so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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