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Arties POV

After hazel left my mom came to my door and knocked.

"Artie? Can I talk to you for a minute?"


She opened the door and came in. she had a smile on her face that I haven't seen in a very long time.

"I just wanted to tell you that I really like that girl. I liked the way she made you feel. I like the way you look at her. Everything about her screams perfection. It's just.... one thing about her"

I swear if my mom says anything about her being black.....

"She's deeply depressed. You can see the loneliness in her eyes. It hypnotizing.... Is she your girlfriend?

"Yea. I asked her out before she left"

"Well now it's your job to figure out what's going on and to make it right. I want you to be like the young gentleman you are and love her unconditionally just like I know she loves you"

She kissed me on the cheek and left. I knew she was right but how was I supposed to figure out what's going on in her life. I mean she did mention something about her parents.....

Hazels POV

After I left Arties house I felt hope for the first time in long time. I walked all the way home thinking of what his mom said;

"I'm sorry. It's just for the first time in a long time I seen the spark in his eye I once saw in a young boy who had his whole life ahead of him"

I knew it must be hard to see your only son to be that talented and loving go through such a tragic change. She had to watch him be lonely and sad. She had to watch him struggle through life to make friends and get his heart broken several times to the point where he gives up. As I walk in to my house my mom stops me.

"Where were you and what the hell are you wearing?"

"Mom I had an ok day. I tried out for our cheerleading team and she put me in on the spot. I tried out for the glee club and I choked so I don't know if I made it..... But I met the sweetest guy ever. He's in a wheel chair and he helped me feel confront able at the school.  His mom picked us up from the school and fed us and they were the sweetest people ever. I went to his house to study because he have just about the same classes and... he asked me out."

"Is he white or black?"

"... White"



"Cuz I fucking said so"

"Ouch that was harsh"

"Oh get the hell over yourself. Life isn't nice and I'm not going to sit here and tell you that it is. You don't need a boyfriend so break up with him or I will come to that school and do it for you... better yet I'll just tell your dad and see how that goes".

I walked away trying to hold my tears in. How could I have sex with artie then break up with him. That's exactly what every guy has ever done to me. My parents are so awful. She didn't even congratulate me on making the cheerios or for feel sorry that I might not make the glee club.  I cried myself to sleep thinking of different ways to make things right with artie.

*next day*

After I got ready for school I headed out to my bus stop and almost missed the bus.

Meeting Artie Abrams(fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now