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'what should I do?'  the creature thought

'should I kill them?'

'Kidnap them?'

'I don't want to disappear!'

'I don't want to be alone' it cried out

fear coursed through it as those thought kept on appearing it it's life ending, alone and forgotten

"Then you should do what you do best" a female voice appeared and whispered into the darkness that surrounded the frightened thoughts that kept conjuring up different ways to keep itself surviving

A smile appeared "your right" a eerie voice spoke out in the darkness and it grinned, deranged

"They shall come to me, after all that is what I do best" it laughed and the darkness surrounded the voice making it vanish into thin air, it's laugh echoing in the thin air and the female voice disappearing along with it.


in it's place was a card, The King of Club 

and with that the voice reappeared whispering

"They shall come to me..."

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