Chapter one

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I dig my feet into the soft grainy sand of the Florida beach, even though I lived so close, I hadn't seamed to be here for so long. "How does it feel to Finley be in the month of love", I smile, Jen always knew how to make me smile. I jump onto her, sending us both falling backward onto the sand.

"I sure missed the beach" I sing,  pulling gains of sand out of my hair. I can see surfers on the edge of the water, their soft hair blowing in the wind. I aim my phone at the ocean, and snap a photo, "now this is hot" I say to Jen who is sitting next to me, her knees up to her chest.

"C-mon" she squeaks grabbing my hands and pulling me into the soft waves which rap themselves around my ankles. Jen jumps onto my back, and I almost topple forward, but I catch my balance and laugh as I dug my toes into the damp sand.

I blow stands of hair out of my face as Jen and I run through the  foam like water laughing and chattering like school girls.

"You need to tell me all about your trip with those guys" she sings as she slides golden brown licks of hair behind her ears.

"It was a party until the police came" I say as thoughts of the guys smiling faces drift back into my head. "You always seam to be the one who does everything that is fun" she pouts twisting a stick between her fingers.

"I am aren't I" I say looking up at her. A familiar face is coming toward us, I haven't faced him yet, he has his serf board and is accompanied by Dallin.

"Hey Dallin, the dance was a blast" jennica's voice is drippings its flirty girl vibes."wanna join me in the water" Dallin asks her, holding an arm out, I smile, then my lips turn down as I notice that I am alone with Jake.

"Hi" his voice is shy, as though we have never met. This is so awkward, the last time I talked to him was the night I kissed another guy, and ditched him, more like accidentally left him for another guy, by accident. "Hey" I smile stepping closer, quite nervously.

He is kicking his leg against the sand, a habit he has when he is uncomfortable. I smile thinking about it, it's kinda cute. He turns those blue eyes on me, and I blush like an idiot. "I um I'm" I step to him to silence him, placing a finger on his lips, his eyes sparkle.

My next words are not pleasant, "why, how dare you turn me in" I mentally kick myself in the head for that" it sounded so rude, I'm such an idiot, I can leave now, it's getting late, there is school tomorrow, I gave to face my friends again after I was gone for two days.

"What" he looks shocked as he tucks his hands in his swim suit pockets. "You heard me" I stare off to the waves, very much wanting to be Jen right now, that would be nice.

"I I didn't" "WHAT" I practically scream, "I promise I didn't, I just left to the game and sat alone, well until some people joined me, I mean." "then who did" "I think Brice"

"BRICE" I do scream, "shhhhhhh calm down" jake says, his voice is so cute, the perfect deepens and softness, it's quite sexy.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend" he asks his eyes look hurt. "I I don't I promise I really do" "oh really" he says looking as though he is going to leave, "you kissed him like there was no tomorrow"

"Maybe he's a good kisser" that came out not how I wanted it to, crap crap crap, he's gunna fire a response at me that's really good.

"Oh so whoever is a good kisser you kiss, you just use guys for their lips" he glares at me.

"Ummm no gross, I didn't mean it like that, like he caught me off guard"

"Well you looked like you enjoyed it"

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