Day Nineteen: Mechanical Difficulties

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Choose 5 adjectives & incorporate them into your writing! My 5: intricate, exuberant, explosive, corrosive, big. Thanks Jake! :) 

The mechanic lay underneath the potentially-deadly robot, fiddling with the intricate wiring. A bead of sweat was settled underneath his belt, and he did his best to ignore the uncomfortable wet sensation. His arms began to cramp, and he paused in his work, not taking his eye off the lead he needed to cut in order for the bot to be deactivated.

"Daddy?" a little voice said out of his vision.

"Ambrose? What are you doing here, sweetie? Go home!" he ordered her, wanting to slip out and pull her away from the explosive creature.

"Papa told me to bring you lunch, daddy," Ambrose said sweetly. "He even wrote your name on the bag: Daedalus." She drew out the "a's", and he could tell her lisp was causing her to drool again when she finished pronouncing his name.

Daedalus sighed. "Okay then, sweetie, just give Daddy a second, okay? Go and wait outside of the door, and I'll be out in a moment." Out of the door and out of this bomb-proof room where you can't be killed. He was so unbelievably angry at his partner for letting their daughter out, and even more annoyed at the guards outside who let her in.

He kept on cutting away at the robot once his arm cramp had lessened. The entire panel had been removed, and he had just cut the last wire when something started to burn in his chest. "Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit!" he yelled, shoving his way out from the underneath of the guardbot, which had begun to drip corrosive acid onto his jeans. Why did they build them with that damn stuff, he thought to himself. Okay, so it was to hold back the rioters, but still. He almost felt sorry for them; the stuff hurt like hell.

Dabbing his burning skin with anti-acid cream, Daedalus tapped the robot again. It was almost a foot taller than himself, around 7' 5". The empty eyes freaked him out, even though he'd been one of the first qualified technicians which basically enabled him to take them apart. Otherwise, that was a criminal offence and resulted in a penalty charge of 200,000 coins: a fortune, especially to Daedalus. The primary reason he'd become a technician was the high pay, even though the job was dangerous.

Daedalus was satisfied the robot was safe, even if it wasn't yet ready to be returned to the public, he tapped the thing on its shoulder, and when it didn't respond, even felt confident enough to turn his back on it. They were rare to be seen, but everyone knew that there was at least one bot within around 100 metres of you at any one time.

"Ambrose!" Daedalus exclaimed when he left the room. He glared at the guard who looked sheepish.

"You told me it'd be safe, sir," the guard said.

"For you," Daedalus replied with a roll of his eyes. "But not for my precious little daughter!" His exuberant daughter ran into his arms just then, and Daedalus grasped her and his lunch in a basket.

"Can I see the robot, Daddy?" she asked, and Daedalus took her to the observation window. "It's big," she said. "Can I meet one, one day Daddy?"

"No, sweetie," Daedalus said hurriedly. "Remember that you must always stay away from them if you see one." Daedalus kissed her forehead and smiled. "Come on, let's go and see papa for lunch."

"Yay!" Ambrose celebrated childishly, struggling to get down and then running ahead whilst Daedalus obediently plodded behind. He winked at his guard who smiled and patted his shoulder as they went past.

"See you later," Daedalus said quietly. He took once last glance back at the guard, and hoped the robot responsible for the recent massacre was, in fact, safe.

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