"That's not a secret," he chuckles. "I was talking to him about things I've been seeing. He is a doctor."

"What have you been seeing?" My voice rises with wonder. Could he be seeing Seth too?

"I told you, I've been seeing weird things with Mara."


"What did you think I saw?" He smirks.


"So I didn't know you had it in for Moreau," he grinned.

"I don't," I groan. "I mean I do like him-"

"Who wouldn't?" Dimitri sang.

"But the kiss was really about his wife."

"Oh. Okay then all the more reason the kiss should have happened."

"You hate his wife too?"

"What no. I just think they shouldn't be together. I really don't have a reason to hate her...yet."

"Okay," I sigh hoping to encourage silence to the conversation.

"To be honest I was rooting for your mystery boy."

"What?" I halt. "What mystery boy?"

"The one Daemon always hears you talking to." he says casually.

"What?! How do you-"

"He talks about it all the time. He's really jealous." I grin at the thought of Daemon being jealous at someone who might not even be real. "Hey what are you smiling about?" My grin falters when I see he's serious again. "I don't like seeing Daemon hurt."

"Since when do you guys even talk to one another?"

"Since ever. He saved me." He states suddenly sounding dramatic. I chuckle at his dramatic change of mood. "Plus that boy is beautiful! I can honestly say he'a my best friend."

"Then what am I?"

"You're my little angel." he states. I grin fondly at him grabbing his hand leaning on his shoulder.

"Remember I still have to do your hair. You wanna start now?"

"No, I think I wanna go see Daemon," I say. I can't believe he discusses my paranoia with other people. I planned to really get on him about that.

"Okay, come to me when you're ready...but if you get a chance can you do me a favor?" he grins mischievously at me.

"Sure..." I say cautious.

"Stop by Moreau's room at around three-ish."


"I left a bottle of nail polish in there."

"What were you doing in Moreau's room?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He calls over his shoulder as he turns a corner and begins to walk a different way.

"Is this just a ploy to get me to bump into him, alone, with a bed nearby?"

He doesn't answer and I smile to myself, making a mental note to do as told.


I made my way to Daemon's room, and enter to find him pacing the floor.

"There you are!" He exclaims.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried. I cross my fingers that Roman didn't tell Daemon anything.

"I need your help...your kind of my maid."

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