Chapter 1, Mischief and Mayhem: The Chaotic Chronicles of Day One

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"Azalea, sweetheart, where are you?" my mom called out, her voice echoing through the house.

"I'm off to work, see you later," she planted a kiss on my forehead. As she left, my dad descended the stairs. I bid him farewell, and he slipped me a crisp 10 dollars.

"Thanks, dad," I grinned.


"See you later," he said, hurrying off to attend an important meeting.

My mom's a doctor, and my dad's a lawyer. They're the best parents; sure, they're always busy, but they've always been there when Mike and I really needed them.

"Azzy darling, shoot me a text when you reach school," my mom hurriedly said before leaving.

At 8:00 am, we hopped into Liz's mini cooper coupe, headed to pick our best friend Bella.

She casually sauntered in ten minutes behind schedule, donning a black hoodie, leggings, and her hair carelessly tied up in a messy bun—a shift from her usual fashionista style, looking a bit dishevelled.

"Bell, what's the deal with the look?" Liz quizzed her in a teasing tone.

"Ugh! Don't even go there. I despise school, woke up late... and ended up throwing on whatever I could find," she grumbled..

"Chill, Bell. Everything's gonna be fine; you've got us," I reassured, giving her a comforting hug.

With some time left before school, we opted for a detour to a nearby coffee shop. "Hey Siri, find a coffee spot around here." A little caffeine kick in the morning might just add some zest to our otherwise dull school life.

Siri responded, "Live Café is just a quick 2-minute drive from here."

The coffee shop had a cosy atmosphere. A handsome guy with captivating sky-blue eyes walked us through the menu.

I went for an  iced café mocha, while Liz and Bella opted for a regular coffee.

As we sipped our coffee, Liz and Bella delved into a lively discussion about the latest fashion runway, covering both male and female styles. It seemed like the male models caught their attention more, and they couldn't stop gushing about who was the hottest.

My phone buzzed suddenly. A text from my mom appeared: "Azalea, have you reached school yet? - Love, Mom." Glancing at the time, it was already 8:26 am.

I yelled, "Girls, we've got to hurry!" Being late always made me nervous; it wasn't about making a good impression, but the thought of it just got on my nerves.

I hurried outside, and suddenly, someone with a fantastic fragrance passed by. I was sure it was a guy with excellent taste. I glanced up quickly to catch a glimpse, but all I could see was his back, adorned in a black leather jacket. He hopped onto his bike and sped away. Oh my gosh, what a muscular and hot back.

Snap out of it, Azalea. I shook off my crazy thoughts. Um! I'm going crazy now, falling in love at first sight with people's backs. I giggled at my own absurdity when suddenly, Liz and Bella appeared, pulling me out of my daydream.

"Girl, you're glowing like you just laid eyes on your crush."

"Ugh, whatever, just move it or we'll be late," I huffed.

"Chill, girl, it's just the first day, nothing crucial, just some boring formalities," Bella said with a nonchalant shrug.

We all rushed into the car, reaching school by 8:50.

We navigated through the school halls, hunting down the Principal's office to finalise our registration in the new school. The process went smoothly, and the Principal greeted us warmly. Before we left, he reminded us to be punctual for the Monday school assembly to avoid missing out.

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