
No...that's not possible. I woke up in Neverland. I know I did.

"So, I've been in this hospital the whole time after I was saved?" I asked, a feeling of worry raising inside me.


"No...that can't be it!"

Her brows furrowed together in confusion. "Why do you say that?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Look, just tell me. You have nothing to be ashamed of." Her tone made her sound sincere. Unfortunately, I know that if I do tell her the truth, she might have second thoughts. But I need to tell her. I need to tell somebody what really happened.

"I was never saved...but I did wake up. I woke up on an island."

"What island?" She started jotting stuff down on her clipboard again. I took a deep breath before answering her question.


That's when Stephanie stopped writing. Her eyes became slightly wider, but she brushed it off and gave me a friendly smile. "It must've been a dream, sweetie."

Hearing her say that it was all a dream upset me greatly. "No! It was real! I know it is!"

"Honey, Neverland doesn't exist." She tried keeping up with her friendly act, even though I knew she thought differently, but I didn't care anymore.

"It does I swear! I am not lying!"

Stephanie stopped with the act and had rolled her eyes. "Now let me guess, you met Peter Pan and Tinkerbell there?" She asked sarcastically, looking skeptical.

"Well yes, I met Peter Pan and the lost boys. Not Tinkerbell though; she's dead I'm afraid." It took a little out of me to say that, but I couldn't help it. She wants an answer and I'm giving it to her.

All she did was scoff by my response. "This is ridiculous." I heard her mumble.

"It's the truth!"

Stephanie wrote hastily on her clipboard, shaking her head in disbelief. "I will need to check with another doctor on this..." She said, walking away to exit the room.

No...I can't just let her leave like that. If I didn't end up Neverland, I would have never met Peter, the lost boys, or my parents.  I know for sure that whatever happened wasn't a dream.  It all felt too real to be a simple dream. But this lady thinks I'm insane for believing. She is going to tell everyone that I'm crazy....but I'm not crazy. I will not tolerate this.

"NEVERLAND IS REAL!" I screamed intensely with rage, putting Stephanie to stop. I definitely got Stephanie's attention; her clipboard even fell out of her hands. But it wasn't because of my uproar, but because the machines beside me were in flames. Not only the machines, but my hands.

I had created the fire.

With my powers.

But I thought I couldn't get my powers back if I entered the real world...

It was then I thought of something tragic. When I was on the ship, I still had my powers. Now, I still have my powers. Does that mean I never went to Neverland after all?

"You're an Evo..." Stephanie's voice brought me back to reality, her back against the wall


"Evolved human! You are one of them!" She yelled in fear and anger, her finger pointing at me.

Before I could even process what was happening, Stephanie had opened the door, shouting out, "There's an Evo! Help! There's an Evo in here!"

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