Chapter 41

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"I will find you.

I will always find you."

Amanda's POV

The moment I dropped myself into the portal, all the memories from Neverland came flashing back at me. It was like I was reliving everything from the past. It was scary, yet beautiful at the same time. Being able to see all I've been through on the island was eye-opening. All my memories included the countless games with the lost boys, being saved numerous times, the rough moments where I would shed tears, reuniting with my mom and dad, and falling in love for the first time...with Peter.

Then the last thing I saw, or should I say heard, was Peter's echoing voice saying the three words.

"I love you."


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That noise. A steady, pulsing beep is all I hear.

I open my eyes grudgingly and the bright room blinds me. Where the hell did I end up? Also, how long have I been asleep? I didn't even know that I fell asleep. Even though I eagerly want to know where I am, I shield my eyes and attempt to sleep on the uncomfortable bed I lay on, but it's too late. I'm already awake. I might as well check where I am. The room I'm in looks impersonal with its plain, dull white walls and furniture. Everything in the room is clean....too clean if I say.

An aroma of disinfectant fills my nose. The only clothes I am wearing is a strange, white dress covered with dots. There are machines all around me. They are just as clean and impersonal as the rest of the room, but at least they show signs of life. Numbers running across a screen, a line jolting up and down and that beeping, that beeping that just won't stop.

I try to get up, but my body aches, so I just sag back into bed. Why am I here? I didn't think the portal would bring me to this. My brain feels weirdly sluggish, but I know for a fact that this is a hospital.

A female doctor enters the room with hurry, striding straight towards me. She seems incredibly relieved with her wide smile. She stands beside the bed, a clipboard in her hand. I notice that her name is Stephanie by her name tag.

"We're so glad you're awake!" The lady, Stephanie, says joyously.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked with a dry throat.

"Just a couple days."

"Oh." I simply reply. Stephanie smiles at me and starts writing stuff on her clipboard with a pen. As I watch her, I have the urge asking how I ended up in the hospital, so I did exactly that.

"Wait, what happened? How did I end up here?"

Stephanie brought her eyes from the clipboard to me. "Amanda, your body was found in the ocean along with other people. You see, you were on a ship with some passengers and there was a very strong storm. The ship was destroyed and everyone fell into the ocean, including you. Luckily, you and the others were found."

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