Chapter Two

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"Baby were gona be late hurry up

Ari - I'm coming

I see ari racing out of the bedroom with one heel on trying to put on the other at the same time as her ear rings getting in the car

We pull up at my mums going inside

Deb - hey my baby's

She kisses me and Jesse on the cheek

Deb - how long till the wedding

"A month

Deb - I can't wait have you got everything sorted

Ari - all I need is to fit my dress

"And my fiancée is going to look smoking hot like always

I kiss her passionately on the lips

Deb - if your sticking your tongue down her throat like that I better have a grand child 9 months after the wedding

"As if we got to go Mumma see you later

We get in the car and I drive to the cafe sitting down with Ari

Ari - so are we going to have kids

"I think we need our own house first

Ari - we have one

"Yeah but one we don't rent so it's stable but yeah I want kids I want to come home from the worse day ever at work the house be a mess but you and my baby are chilling on the couch happy and that makes my day

Ari - I can't wait for that day

- Jesse Ariana

"what do you want Liam

Liam - see my girlfriend had her baby he's pretty cute isn't he

"What's wrong with it

Liam - your fucking girlfriend did that

"She's my fiancé and she didn't do shit so back off before I deck you infront of your kid

He walks out and I look at ari

Ari - do you actually think I did that

"Nah his misses was on P

Ari - that explains it then so should we start looking for a place

"Not today because today I'm going to go home and sex with my fiancé

Ari - oh yeah let's go then

We get in the car starting to head home i reach across rubbing my hand inbetween jesses legs

Jesse - babe I can't concentrate when you do that

"Then pull over

Room Mate ( Jesse PolockWhere stories live. Discover now