"I'm not!" Damn it I said as she laughed again. How was she doing that? She was so easy to talk to and she was a vampire herself.

She smiled again but it slowly fainted as she glanced at the ocean. I followed her gaze as she slowly got up and walked over to the water. I looked at her thinking I should say something but I heard this bubbling sound coming from the ocean. Walking towards it I watched a part of the water boil until an explosion of water went into the sky as a power wind blow our way making me guard my face. I could see Olivia's face grow hard without any emotion and she let the wind hit her face, unguarded.

As the wind died down I let my arms down, watching the ocean ease down. "What was that?!" I yelled.

"My brother," she said. "They are waking Edea... and so will I."

"But how? I thought you need blood from a human relative. Meaning me, or-"

"He has your blood Edea," she said looking at me as she narrowed her eyes.

"That's isn't possible."

"It seems you have a leak on your end."


"You don't have a lot of time. Warn the others. You have twelve hour," she said as another explosion happened. "Go!"

I woke in a panic as my heart pounded against my ribcage. I felt sweaty and sticky like the room was boiling. Looking around the room for anyone as I was taking a deep breath. Swing my legs off the bed and onto the floor I wobbled to the bathroom to the sink.

Splashing cold water on my face to cool me, I still felt uneasy, panicked, and shocked. Damn you Crevan. I won't let you have her. Not after all I have been through. Glaring at myself in the mirror a knock came from the door. I stared at it for a moment until I heard Beth's voice.

"Miss. Edea," she said worried like and then started to bang on the door. "Please, open up something troubling happened."

Without a single thought I ran to the door, unlocked it, and said "what happened?" In her maid outfit, she gave me a smile. "What happened?" I said again confused. Why was she smiling?

"You died," she giggled as she made a fist and punched me in the gut. I felt the wind kick out of me as she pushed me in the room, came in and closed the door behind her.

"What... are you... doing..."I tried to say hugging myself in a ball.

"I'm sorry Miss. Edea but you're getting in my way," she said walked around me, watching me.

"You're working for Crevan?"

She smiled but looked away to the ceiling and took a deep breath, "No I'm working for Melantha, I'm ashamed to say." This woman was crazy. "You see Melantha promised me that I will reunited with my sister, Nina. And I can't let this opportunity pass me. Even if it's a lie I most know."

"You idiot," I whispered. She kicked me in the stomach again as I inhaled deeply. I felt like I was seeing stars. Damn this woman and punch and kick.

"The real idiot is you," she said leaning down as she gripped my hair in a full fist. Putting my hands on her arm I started to dig my finger nails in her but that made her anger. I watched her face form into those werewolf that you see in the movies. To tell the true if I wasn't so pissed off I would I shite myself by now.

In pure fear I kicked her in the stomach as hard as I could. Losing her grip on my hair she bad up and growled. She started to get taller, bigger, Bader, holy shite... I think I craped myself. My month dropped, spun around and ran to the door and out the hall way.

God if you're real, please save me. I never fought in my life and god if I live I'm joining boxing or something. "Help!" I screamed as loud as I could. At the same time I could heard Beth on all four running after me. "Fuck you," I yelled at her as I ran down the stairs and made a sharp turn into another hall. "Help!" where the hell was everyone.

Before I knew it she jumped me smacking me into the floor. Squeezing my eye shut from the pain, I thought she may have deflated my chest, even if they are real I would be surprised if they popped. "You won't get away with this," I yelled in pain.

"Watch me," she growled marking her voice sound like nothing of a humans.

"Ah!" Beth bit down onto my shoulder. Trying to shack her off she pressed her body down to still me as she digger deeper into my skin. I felt the tears stream out as I cried in pain. Opening my eyes and looking down the hall I saw Victor and Connor running towards me as Beth took a couple more second, nesting her teeth in me before letting go.

Connor run pass me to get Beth while Victor came to my side not knowing were to touch me. "God, Edea what happened? I'm so sorry... I-"he took my hand as gentle as he could.

"What took you so long," I interrupted him with a smile. Damn my shoulder hurts.

Don't Runaway [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now