Answers :)

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So here are the answers to your questions! I said thirty but I have more than that. I have questions about my writing, many about me. That's me above, it's a shitty pic but who tf cares :)))

So I'm going to start with the questions about my writing because I do what I want.


1. When did you discover your love for writing?

    I'm not sure actually. My mom knew before I did, she would always brag about my creativity when it came to writing but I never actually saw that I was good, so never..? I guess.

2. Where do you get your ideas for stories?

    I'm a daydreamer, and a dreamer in general so all my ideas are dreams that I've had.

3. Where do you get your ideas for characters?

    I'm also a people watcher, so if I see a guy in Target buying a shit ton of almonds, then I'm going to write a character that's obsessed with carrots *cough Brogan cough*

4. Who designs your covers?

    I make my own, if they have an easily maneuvered app they I'll use it. Shout out to Wattpad Covers App! I'm a dork😂😂

5. How do you come up with titles?

    I don't know. My titles have to do with my story I guess, but I try to keep them short because no one wants to read a long ass title.

6. How do you come up with character names?

    All my female leads have to have guy names, it's just a thing I have. Back-up characters or secondary characters I don't know what they're called but they're just names I pick from lists of boy/ girl names. Austin's name is the hardest to come up with though, it's nearly impossible.

7. How do you plan your stories?

    Haha I don't. I know how I want them to end, and begin and everything in between is stuff I bullshit.

8. How do you manage multiple stories at once?

    I have no social life.

9. How do you update so often?

    Once again, I have no social life. I'm an antisocial fuck and I only hang out with my friends at school, there's maybe once or twice every 2 months we hang out outside of school.

10. Out of all your stories which is your favorite?

    I don't have a favorite. I mean it changes sometimes but I don't think I'd say there's one I like more than the other, but I think it depends on what's going on, if something exciting is going on in my book then I find it to be more enjoyable to update. But I high key read my own stories, but it's kind of like an editing trick or something.

11. What made you start writing Bulletproof?

     I don't remember who asked this, but I know you also say this book fucks with your feelings and all I have to say is good. It's supposed to✌🏽️. Anyways, I wanted to do a book based on a song and Bulletproof Love by Pierce the Veil seemed like a good song to write a story on so I did.

12. Did you learn anything from writing?

    Haha nope😂. Well I mean I shouldn't say that, I guess I learned how to spell restaurant and even now I still spell it wrong, like I just spelled it wrong. But I learned just because a song looks right doesn't mean it is.

13. What made you want to start writing?

    I was bored one day, so I wanted to occupy my time and reading fanfic so weren't helping. Also, I wanted to make a fanfic that I wanted to read, I feel as though my stories are very unique and that's what I wanted.

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