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6. Leave Her Alone.

| c a r t e r m a h o n e |

I sit on my roof, looking out over the view, watching the sun set. My phone buzzes beside me, and I contemplate answering, but when I see Brogan's name, I quickly answer it.

"Brogan? Are you alright? Did he send you something?" I flood her with questions.

"No, I want answers" She states "I know you know something, and I want you to tell me"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I shake my head.

"Don't lie to me!" She growls "Tell me what's going on"

"I really don't know anything"

"Fuck you" She spits, and the line clicks, signalling she hung up. I sigh and crawl back into my room, and lay down in my bed, staring at my ceiling until I fall asleep.


"Morning Carter" A girl, whom I can't remember the name of, says, twirling her hair and biting her lip.

"Morning" I send her a wink, walking up to the third floor, and waiting at Brogan's locker. I wait for Brogan to get there, and when she does, she completely ignores me. She pulls open her locker, reaching for the top shelf, her sleeve inching up revealing a diamond bracelet.

"Where the hell did you get that from?!" I grab her wrist "You told me he didn't give you anything"

"Well, I lied just like you did" She smiles sarcastically, yanking her wrist from my grip, slamming her locker and walking down the hallway.

"Fuck!" I curse, slamming my fist into a locker. I walk down to the first floor, faintly hearing my name being called.

I turn around, seeing Brogan's friend, Erin? Emily? Emma?

Damn, I don't know, it starts with an 'E'.

"Can I help you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah" She grits "You can leave Brogan alone"

"See I would, but I won't give you that kind of satisfaction" I wink.

"Leave her alone" She growls "I mean it" She turns on her heels, walking in the opposite direction and I chuckle, shaking my head and walking away, looking to my right and seeing Brogan looking at me.

"What did she want?" She asks, walking beside me.

"Don't worry about it Princess" I shrug, walking into my first period class.


I walk down the street, the only thing lighting the sidewalk being the street lamps. I light a cigarette, holding it in one hand, and a bottle of whiskey in the other. I take a swig from the bottle, the liquid burning my throat, I take a long drag from the cigarette, flicking the ashes onto the ground. I decided to clear my head by taking a walk, Brogan has been on my mind ever since her best friend told me to leave her alone.

"Well, if it isn't Carter Mahone" A voice chuckles darkly.

I turn around coming face to face with Andrew.

"What the fuck do you want?" I roll my eyes, taking another swig of whiskey.

"Revenge" He growls and I snort.

"Dramatic much?" I slur "This isn't a movie" I roll my eyes, turning to walk away until, he takes the bottle of whiskey from my hands "Give that back you dumb fu-" I'm cut off by the thick bottle being smacked across my face, slicing open my lip.

"You fucking killed my brother!" He shoves me to the ground, sending a strong kick to my rib cage. I struggle to get up, as he kicks me again, a groan escaping my lips.

"Fuck" I wince, finally getting up "I didn't do it!"

"Fucking liar" He screams "You took something of mine, so I'm taking something of yours" and that's all I remember before blacking out.

I wake up, still laying on the street. I attempt to get up, but fail miserably due to the burning sensation in my side. I use the wall as support and get myself up, leaning against it. I pull out my phone, dialing the first number on the screen.

"Hello? Carter, it's like 3 in the morning"

Fuck! Of course it'd be her.

"Brog, I need your help" I grunt in pain.

"Carter what's wrong? What happened?" She asks frantically, shuffling being heard through the phone.

"Please, I just need your help"

God, I sound so fucking desperate.

"Where are you?"

"6th and Park" I tell her.

"I'll be there in 10" She says and hangs up the phone. I lean against the wall, sighing.

Why the hell didn't I hang up? I couldn't played it off as an accident and called AC or Zach. Now she's going to ask all these fucking questions that I can't answer. I see her car pull up, and she gets out walking to me, she gasps when she sees me.

"Oh my god"

"It looks worse than it is" I lie.

"Oh yeah, so I don't need to help you to my car?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Okay, it's pretty back"

"That's what I thought" She smirks, putting her arm around my waist, a strangled cry leaving my mouth.

"I'm so sorry" She let's me go.

"It's okay, it's alright" I close my eyes, taking a deep breath.

Man the fuck up!

"Where does it hurt?" She asks.

"Nowhere I'm fine"

"Carter, let me help you" She whispers.

"I said I'm fucking fine!" I scream, and she flinches.

"Then why the hell did you call me?" She screams back.

"I don't even know, but I sure as hell regret it"

"Fine, have fucking fun" She spits, walking back to her car. She stops for a second, as if I'm going to stop her. I hear a sigh escape her lips as she gets into the car, and drives off.



I was going to make this part longer, but I didn't...

I rewrote this like 4 times, and I still feel like its shit :(

I pre-ordered the 5SOS album yesterday and got the song Fly Away and it's so good :')

I may double update, because I have nothing else to do.

Love, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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