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I wanted to have this posted yesterday but I had a neurologist appointment and then got a horrible migraine and wanted to do nothing but sleep, then today i had the shittiest day and all I wanted to do was sleep so that's why this update is late. Also I have the worst headache ever, so if this sucks it's simply because I can't focus because I've had this headache since Monday.

Thank you for 5.6K it's crazy all the things you do for me :) I love you guys <3

Tbh you guys fucking Knuckle Puck makes my life worth living :') And they're in Maryland tonight and I couldn't go to their concert because my mom had to pick my brother up from college and I had to watch my sister.

40. Shh Don't Tell Austin.

"Come on, just a quickie" Austin whines.

"No! What if Logan walks in? Then what?"

"Then we tell him it's a natural part of life" 

"Do you really want him to see you naked? It's not something people should see in the light" I tease.

"Yeah fucking right!" He scoffs "But either way, you're in just a tank top anyways" He tries to reason.

"Nope, not gonna happen" I shrug.

"Fine, can I at least get a kiss?" He pout and I giggle, leaning over him and kissing him slowly. He hums in approval, his hands moving to my waist. I pull away, a frown taking place on his face.

"I'm going to go get Logan" I kiss his cheek, sliding a pair of sweatpants up my legs, and walking out of Austin's room. I walk upstairs and to the guest room, seeing Logan sitting on the bed, watching TV.

"Brogan!" He grins, hopping up and jumping into my arms.

"Hey Baby" I kiss his cheeks "How'd you sleep?" 

"Good! Where's Austin?" He asks, twirling my hair in his fingers.

"He's in his room, you wanna go see him?" 

"No" He shakes his head "I want pancakes" He says happily.

"Alright, come on, let's go make pancakes" I grin, carrying him to the kitchen. I sit Logan on the counter, walking to the cabinets and pulling out a large bowl, a spoon, a pan and then walking to the fridge to get the pancake mix.

"What kind of pancakes? Chocolate chip or plain?" I ask.

"Chocolate chip!" He cheers and I grin walking back to the cabinet and pulling out chocolate chips. I pour everything into the bowl and mix it, heating up the pan. As I make pancakes, Logan hums and watches me while eating some of the chocolate chips. When I finish the pancakes, I tell Logan to go get the guys while I go to get Austin, not knowing if he'd be 'decent' enough to be seen by a 4, almost 5 year old.

I walk down to Austin's room, seeing he's still laying in bed, in the exact same position I left him in. 

"Have you even moved?" I chuckle, and he turns his head.

"I've been blinking if that counts, and breathing, my hearts beat-"

"Alright, smart ass" I roll my eyes "But anyways, I made pancakes so come upstairs" 

"But, I want a kiss" He pouts.

"Get out of bed and I'll give you one" I compromise and he sighs.

"Okay, maybe I don't want one that bad" He teases, and I roll my eyes "I'd rather stay in bed forever"

"Fine I guess you don't want chocolate chip pancakes" I taunt and he hops out of bed.

"What are you waiting for woman! There's chocolate chip pancakes in the kitchen" He pushes past me, smacking my butt on his way out.

"That boy" I mumble to myself as breathy laugh passing my lips. I walk upstairs and into the kitchen, seeing everyone is already eating, I sit down next to Austin, not feeling hungry this morning. Austin looks at me after stuffing a piece of pancake giving me a look of confusion.

"I'm not hungry" I shake my head and he raises his eyebrow at me "Don't even because I'm not always hungry" I roll my eyes, and he clicks his tongue "Austin, really?"

"How do you even-?" AC begins to ask.

"Because I know him" I shrug "I know what he'll say all the time" I smile at Austin. He winks at me, lifting his fork and bringing it to my lips "No I don't want it" I shake my head, but he grabs the back off my neck, holding me in place until I eat the piece off his fork. After I eat it he smiles, and finishes his pancakes, the guys putting their plates into the sink. All going their separate ways. 

I walk over to the sink, starting to wash the dishes until Austin's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me away from the sink.

"Austin what are you doing?" I huff.

"Not letting you wash my dishes, it's Rob's job today so come on, we're going to take Logan out" He laces his fingers through mine, leaning down to kiss my nose. I lean my head against his shoulder, his head resting on top of mine.

"Where are we going?" 

"It's a tie between Chuck E. Cheese or Mini Golf"

"Oh hell no, I'm not going to Chuck E. Cheese" I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"Snotty nosed children, and germy ball pits, is a big no for me" 

"Then I guess we're going mini golfing" He chuckles, kissing the top of my head "Now let's go, I told Logan to get dressed, and he's probably done" He walks with me to his room, me grabbing my bag that has my clothes in it and grabbing my light blue shorts and black v-neck and I change into them, putting on my socks and shoes. I sit on Austin's bed while he changes, and when he's done he pulls me up and we walk up the steps seeing Logan waiting on us.

"Come on Girlfriend" Logan takes my hand, walking me to Austin's truck. I giggle and help him into the backseat, kissing him cheek and putting a finger up to my lips.

"Shh don't tell Austin" I wink and he laughs, while I get into the passenger seat, waiting for Austin to get in. When he does, he starts the car and backs out of the driveway his hand resting on my thigh.

"Where are we going?" Logan asks.

"We're going to go play golf and then I gotta get you home" Austin says and Logan sighs.

"But I want to spend forever at your house" He pouts.

"I know, but you can't buddy" 

"I know" Logan sighs.



I love you guys


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