One last fight before you go...

Start from the beginning

"Oh William did you actually get me a gift?" Asked Mercy as she took the package from William. "Thank you William this is very thoughtful of you."

"Dammit Jacklyn that's it! I will not be ignored." Said Josephine as she pulled out a dagger with a pink ribbon tied to it, then she threw it at Mercy's feet. "You leave me with no choice! I challenge you to a duel!"

"Josephine no." Said Mercy as she turned around to face her half sister. "I'm not doing this. Not with you. Not today."

"Too late I already challenged you!" Said Josephine as she stared at Mercy. "Now you have to fight me!"

"I mean I don't have anything to fight you with." Said Mercy as William tapped on her shoulder.

"Actually you do." Said William as Mercy looked up at him. "Open the box, you will find everything you need in there. It will also give me a chance to properly evaluate you."

"Huh? Evaluate..." Said Mercy as she opened the box to reveal her first death scythe and spectacles. "Well this is exactly what I need. My eye sight has been getting worse these past few days, thank you William for being so thoughtful." She said as she put on the spectacles and un seethed the death scythe.

"A sickle? That's what your going to fight me with?" Asked Josephine in outrage. "Do you think I'm playing around here with you?"

"Sorry Josie but this is what I'm going to fight you with." Said Mercy as she readied her death scythe, but at that moment the sun shined in her eyes showing off their true color. "If I win I don't have to tell you anything if I don't want to, if you win I tell you everything from the beginning." 

"Fine! But just so you know I am going to win, and you are going to tell me everything." Said Josephine as she got into a battle stance. "Are you ready?" Asked Josephine as Mercy nodded standing perfectly still and unfazed. 

"Shouldn't we do something!" Asked Ronald in shock of the display of sibling rivalry. "What if they actually hurt themselves?" 

"Don't worry Mercy won't get hurt and neither will Josephine." Said Grell as he put his hand on Ronald's shoulder assuring him it will be alright. "This has been brewing in both of them for a while, they need to settle this the only way they know how. And the only way they know how is the way of the marksmen."

"My money is on Mercy." Said Undertaker with a giggle as he pulled out a bag of coins. "Place your bets gentlemen in this sort of thing....." Said Undertaker before Josephine threw a knife at his feet, wiping the smile off his face. 

 "Standard duel..." Said Josephine as she glared at her calm half sister. "Fatalities are allowed."

"Fatalities! Are you out of your...." Said Mercy before she completely lost her composer, and then calmed herself again. "The guidelines of the duel are accepted, I am prepared for what may happen. But I warn you I won't spare you anything." 

"Then I won't spare you either." Said Josephine as she glared even more intensely at Mercy. "So can we start now?" 

Grell signaled his fellow reapers to back away to make room for the sisters duel, Mercy and Josephine then began to circle like cat's about to fight for territory. This was not going to be an easy fight for either of them, they had always held back on each other whenever they dueled during their years of training. But this was going to be a different duel, the rules of this duel allowed fatalities. Mercy did not want to bring harm to Josephine, though they were half sisters and rarely saw one another, they still cared deeply for each other. Josephine still remembered her childhood autumns at Mercy's, she remembered how wherever Mercy went she would go as well. Josephine also remembered how much her sister really meant to her, in a way Mercy was her only friend growing up. Since she was from a place that did not embrace bastard children she was often rejected by the kids around her. Going to stay at her fathers home in the autumn months was the highlight of her year, seeing as how she had a brother and sister that cared a great deal for her. She had a lot against her sister moving to London so suddenly, seeing as how her best friend was leaving. Josephine looked into her sisters eyes trying to get her to feel something, but it was not working. Mercy was tired of fighting fellow marksmen just for sport, but this time she had no choice. Josephine ran towards Mercy with a hunting knife in her hand, Mercy blocked the blade without effort with her new death scythe. Josephine jumped back after her failed attack, Josephine was thinking hard on her next move. Not really sure what to do she kept it strictly offensive while Mercy kept it defensive. Josephine kept striking at her sister being continuously blocked by what she thought was an ordinary sickle. Josephine kept striking with fierce rage while Mercy kept blocking calmly, she was getting sick of her sister's calm collected composer. She had finally gotten close to her sisters face and was able to look closer into her her sisters eyes, which were lacking emotion and presence. 

"Grahhhh!!! You've had that same look in your eye ever since Ceil died!" Shouted Josephine as Mercy pushed her away. "He wasn't Davie!! And your treating him like he was! Why can't you just let it go!" Shouted Josephine as Mercy calm face turned to anger. Mercy ran for her sister who tried to take a slash at her, but Mercy jumped and grabbed her from behind. Josephine tried to wriggle free but it was pointless, Josephine was moving so much that Mercy had to turn her back to the reaper bystanders. Just then Mercy raised her scythe and then lowered it with great force.

"Jaclyn! Don't actually kill her!" Cried out Grell as Josephine let out a blood curdling cry. "What have you done to your sister?!?!" Cried out Grell as Mercy turned to show that Josephine was fine, Mercy was merely pressing the blade-less end of her scythe into Josephine's stomach. 

"Ahhhhh!!!!! Why Jacky! Why?!?!" Shouted Josephine as she lowered her sister onto her knees. "Why can't you just f***ing tell me anything!" She said as Mercy began to let out tears, she then let her sister go and dropped her scythe, and hugged her sister. 

"Because I want to spare you the pain of the truth!" Cried Mercy to her weeping sister. "I don't want to tell you cause the truth was hard to swallow the first time I heard it. I don't want you to know where I'm going because I know you won't be able to handle it! Don't you see I'm trying to spare you the hurt! Can't you see I'm only doing this because...Because.... I love you Josie!"

  "I love you too Jaclyn..." Said Josephine as she finally calmed down a little, she then turned around on her knees to face her sister who was the one who was weeping now. "That's the only reason why I'm so upset.... But if you are trying to spare me hurt then let me give you something before you go." Said Josephine as she held her sisters face in her hands, she then brought Mercy's face closer to hers. Mercy had stopped crying only to stare at her sister who closed her eyes. Josephine brought her lips closer to Mercy's until their lips were locked with one another. Being sisters this had shocked the reapers beyond belief, except for Ronald who was rather excited. While her sister continued to kiss her the way she only allowed Grell to kiss her, Mercy looked around for a way out of it. But found none, she was stuck in a romantic kiss with her own half sister. Grell had fainted, William was trying to keep from losing his breakfast, Undertaker's face turned whiter than usual, and Ronald just kept his eyes on the display of "sisterly love". Josephine had finally released Mercy from the kiss and got up and walked away, leaving everyone behind in shock. Mercy dropped her jaw in disbelief that her own sister had kissed her that way, as did the other reapers. She then stood to her feet and brushed herself off, she was starting to feel light headed. She was so confused on what had just happened she had forgotten she had guests and was attempting to walk back inside her home. But before she could even make it two feet away from where she had been she had fell over in shock.  

"D...Did....Did that really just happen?" Asked Mercy as her face was planted in the dirt. "Did I.... Am I going to hell?"

"That so totally happened!" Cheered Ronald in excitement. "And I so totally saw it!! Dammit that was hot!" 

"Uh you do realize that their sisters right?" Asked William feeling a bit disgusted. "You do know that was wrong beyond belief right?" 

"Oh dear I seem to be growing light headed..." Said Undertaker before collapsing to his knees. "Grell? Are you alright?" 

"I....I.... I.... Ehhhhhh...." Stuttered Grell before shooting up. "What the f*** was that!!!!!!" 

"Can you all drag me inside please." Said Mercy in a weak voice. "I'd like to forget what just happened."

"We all want to forget." Said Grell, William, and Undertaker in unison while Ronald was stuck in his perverted day dreams. They then, being the friends they were, dragged Mercy inside who later passed out on the floor. 

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