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What if, just seconds after you witnessed your house turn to ash, you were kidnapped by your ex, held hostage for several weeks, and no one was looking for you because they all thought you were dead?

For 22-year-old Laura, this isn't just her worst nightmare, but a reality.



My heart sank into a puddle of fear at the sight of two paramedics carrying a stretcher to the back of the ambulance. On it, laid a thin, white sheet draped over a body-shaped lump. I wanted to run towards it. To make sure it wasn't what I thought it was... Who I thought it was. I tried to move, but my body was frozen. Tears blurred my vision as I stood there... Helpless.


After watching her house burn to the ground, and witnessing her sister being thrown into the back of an ambulance, Laura was convinced things couldn't get much worse. That is, until she was forced into a dark minivan and driven to a place she had never seen before.

Now, alone and scared, she must find a way out—even if it means killing her kidnapper.

However, she may not be as alone as she feels. When she discovers that a person, whom she thought was involved in her kidnapping, is willing to risk everything to break her out, she realizes that things aren't always as they seem, and maybe, just maybe she has a chance at survival.

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