Chapter 96 Rapunzel Danganronpa Style

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MeowPow536 asked: I dare Komaeda and Hajime to reanact a scene from Rapunzel. Komaeda-Rapunzel Hajime-Prince It has to be dramatic

Hajime: *grabs script* lets get this over with "rapunzel".

Kirigiri: I wonder if they are going to do the play or the movie...

Makoto: They made a movie?

Komaeda: Yes they did it was a big hit to. *grabs dress*

Ishimaru: Everyone shield you eyes!

The play starts 

PrinceHajime: Ra-punzel let down your hair....

PrincessKomaeda: *lets down flowing white hair*

PrinceHajime: *climbs hair hesitantly*

PrincessKomaeda: *waits almost patiently*

Junko comes up behind Komaeda and cuts the hair before Haji- I mean PrinceHajime could get up

PrinceHajime: *slow-mo falls to ground waving arms dramaticly*

PrincessKomaeda: *dramaticly reaching out of the window seal*

Togami: *in audience dramaticly not caring*

Monokuma: upupupupupu what a twist.

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