Chapter 18 Komaeda's Day With Hajime

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Xx_JunkoEnoshima_xX Asked: I dare Hajime to spend an entire day with Komaeda, doing whatever Komaeda wants.

Komaeda: I guess it could be worse could be what Hajime wants to do.

Hajime: the w-whole day......with....HIM!!!

Komaeda: Don't worry could be worse.

Hajime: No-no it can't.

Komaeda: *Drags Hajime away* well we better get started.

Hajime: Help me please no...PLEASE!!!

Kazuichi: He's so a goner.

Naegi: I feel so bad for him....

Mikan: I hope He survives.

Komaeda: This is a nice place. *sits with Hajime at a cafe*

Hajime: Well...I can't complain to badly.

Komaeda: *eats a bagel* What did you expect anyways?

Hajime: idk.....bad stuff.

Komaeda: Well after this I was thinking we could go do something to pass the time maybe.....something that won't be to dangerous.

Hajime: ....

Komaeda: What Hajime?

Hajime: Well excuse me for thinking this we be a lot worse then its turning out.

Komaeda: Yea I guess this day is really Lucky for me. I usually have Like a lot more bad stuff happen then this *looks up at the sky*

Hajime: What are you looking at?

Komaeda: Hm....I guess its just a Lucky day for me...

Hajime: I guess this is the opposite of what was gonna happen....

Komaeda: If you really want it to be the way you thought it was gonna turn out then i can accomplish that for ya.

Hajime: Oh no....No.

Komaeda: Come one lets go to the arcade.

Hajime: *sighs* fine...

Komaeda: So here we are.

Hajime: ugh....i don't feel so good.

Komaeda: Oh come one the day will be over soon....

*They play at the arcade*

Hajime: It seems the day is almost over.

Komaeda: Yea.

Hajime: *whispers* About time.

Komaeda: Oh well i'm surprised nothing really Lucky or Unlucky happened.

Hajime: Komaeda.....Look behind you....

*Behind him was a disheveled arcade*

Komaeda: Yep now its pretty much a normal day for me.

Hajime: just leave a wake of destruction in your path don't you....

Komaeda: Never thought about but I guess...

Togami: Remind me never to spend a day with Komaeda, I might die just being around him.

Makoto: Agreed.

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