#You Use 40's Slang

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Steve and you were dancing on your date. You ere impressed how good he could dance.
"You are ducky shincracker, Steve."
He looked at you surprised.
"Since when do you know 40's slang?"
"I know you miss 40's so I learned a few words."
"Thank you, Y/N."

Tony and Steve had been fighting lately. You were sick of it. Today they were fighting about who is right. Tony turned to you.
"Y/N, who is right here?"
"It's above my pay grade."
Steve started laughing but Tony looked confused.
"Pay grade?"
"Oh, Tony... "

Bucky and you were going on a date. He saw you coming down the stairs.
"You look beautiful, Y/N."
"You too, Dreamboat."
Bucky smiled.
"Did Steve told you that?"
"He... might."
"You are adorable."

Clint was listening AC/DC CD Tony borrowed him. You heard one song and you liked it immediately.
"This is some killer - diller, right?"
Clint looked at you confused.
"Right. I have no idea what you just said."
You laughed.
"I said it's some good stuff."
"Yeah. You know, you spend a lot of time with Steve. You are rubbing off of him."

Bruce was angry today. You've been trying to make him laugh the whole day. You walked into lab when he throw a cup at wall.
"Don't snap your cap. What the poor cup did to you?"
He looked confused but than started laughing.
"That was from that movie Bucky gave you, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. It helped."
"With what?"
"You laughed. Bye."
Bruce chuckled.
"Bye, Y/N."

Pietro was in training room. You sat on the floor and a minute later he joined you.
"What's buzzin cousin?"
He looked at you.
"I'm not your cousin and what means buzzin?"
You started laughing.
"It means how's it going."
"Yeah, oh."

You were looking for your phone. Loki went into a room and look at the mess you made.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm looking for my phone. I need to ameche Natasha."
"You need to do what?"
"To call Natasha."
"Oh. The phone is in the kitchen than."
"Thank you."

Thor was eating when you literally run into kitchen.
He looked at you wide eyed.
"Hi - de - ho."
"What are you doing, Lady Y/N."
"Ah, you know. Hiding from Tony. No biggie."
"Why are you hiding?"
"I kinda broke his suit. It was an accident. He still didn't..."
"Oops. Never mind. Bye, Thor."
"Bye, Lady Y/N."

Ducky shincracker - good dancer
Above my pay grade - don't ask me
Dreamboat - handsome person
Killer - diller - good stuff
Snap your cap - get angry
What's buzzin cousin - how's it going
Ameche - to call
Hi - de - ho - hello

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