1 - "Rock N' Roll Lifestyle"

Start from the beginning

"Are you serious?" Aryl turned to him in disbelief, "What about the show tonight?" Jimmie frowned as he remembered. "Don't worry man, we'll go after show. I bet Otto knows some places." Dustin suggested and looked at Otto. "Oh yeah, I do." Otto smirked. "There's this place where they line the girls up and-"

"Okay, I don't wanna hear it!" Aryl cut him off. Otto chuckled. "Sorry." She rested her back against the seat and listened without her will as the guys discussed about strip-clubs.


The venue was not that big, but it was so crowded that people were stepping on each other. Aryl was surprised, she had not expected this much people having heard of them. Plus, the crowd was wild. She was worried that someone would get hurt. But beyond that, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to handle such a crowd. Her heart jumped in anticipation. With a sudden decision, she grabbed a beer from the stand and took a sip.

"Hey, can I get an autograph before the show?" she heard someone say, and turned around. There stood a man, in his twenties, with auburn long and messy hair. He had a bright smile on his face, though he seemed out of his mind. "Sure." Aryl replied and grabbed the pen he was holding up. As she signed the flyer in his hand, she had a hard time hiding the joy she had. Not many people asked for autographs, not even in New York. Now this guy hadn't even seen them play, but the fact that he was asking for an autograph made her feel proud. Maybe I should move to LA...

He thanked her genuinely and reached out his hand: "My name's West, by the way. It's an honor to meet you, Ms Aryl..." She smiled sweetly at his absurd politeness and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you West."

"West Arkeen?! Hi dude!" Paul exclaimed and appeared next to them in a second, the guys shared a hug. "I haven't seen you around for a long fuckin' time!" West said with excitement, then Paul turned to Aryl. "Have you two met? He's one of the coolest guys in LA, Ar!" She nodded, smiling, and couldn't help but notice her new nickname. Ar... "Yeah, we've met..." she said to Paul, but looking at West instead. He really did look like a cool guy.

"Time to go, guys!" a roadie shouted from the corridor, and with an unneeded rush, Aryl was taken next to the stage, as well as the other members. They all lined up, getting ready to go onstage. Dustin stood next to her, his guitar in his hand. "Ready?" Dustin said to her and cocked an eyebrow. Her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to jump out of her rib cage. She smiled, "Yeah, I guess..." With a deep breath, she stepped onstage and the others followed her one by one. The crowd cheered in a decibel so high that she felt her ears buzz. The blindingly strong lights went on, and it was their time to shine again...


"Rain just fuckin' rocked LA, that's for sure!" Paul exclaimed at them while they were getting offstage one by one, glistening with sweat. It was certainly one of their best shows, Aryl couldn't believe how energetic and passionate the crowd was.

Then flooded in the groupies... Their ages differed between 16 and 22 from what she understood, and they rushed onto the guys screaming like crazy. She smiled and shook her head, this was one of the things she couldn't get used to in the world of rock n' roll.

Deciding that it wasn't the place she was supposed to be at, she walked past the corridor and headed to the direction of the main backstage room.

"Great show Aryl, congrats!" West yelled when he spotted her, why was everyone shouting things today? "Thanks!" she replied, grinning, then looked around the room. Paul was seated on the couch, next to West. Both had beers in their hands. Other than those two, the room consisted of roadies chugging onto bottles. Everyone was in the mood of partying, except herself.

Then, it became clear that she was not alone. Ed burst inside the room, with two blonde haired groupies chasing after him, trying to show him their breasts. The sight was amusing, Aryl involuntarily cracked up. Ed dived into the storage room, locking the door behind him. The girls wailed in disappointment and turned back, only to be pulled onto the lap of a drunk roadie.

"Is he homo or something?" West asked, nodding his head at Ed's direction. Aryl giggled, "No, but you could say asexual." And asocial, she thought. Well actually, only things Ed liked were his guitar and his drugs. Yes, he was an addict, just like the two other members: Dustin and Jimmie.

The backstage had immediately turned into a party area. Alcohol was pouring like water, groupies scattered around, offering their bodies to not only the band members, but to every guy they see. At her sight, there were guys and girls making out, a guy puking inside the trash bin, a girl gagging as she drank her vodka... And of course, loud music was not missing. Soon enough, West had a girl on his lap as well. Maddie came by at one point, asking Aryl where Jimmie was. She said she didn't know, but she knew that he was hooking up with a groupie somewhere. She felt bad for Maddie sometimes.

All the guys in the band, except Ed, were the same. Otto was a sex addict, and had a thing for brunettes. At one point, he dived inside the room with two brunettes by his side, getting back out shortly after, not leaving what he was going to do much to imagination. Dustin was even worse. He accepted every single female, from middle-aged women to teenage girls. She could clearly remember what she had been through when she dated him not more than 4 months ago.

It was strange being a girl in the world of rock and roll. It was hard. Especially for a girl like herself; intellectual,kindhearted, and even naive. The phrase sex, drugs and rock n' roll was real, and Aryl was nowhere near it. Though she knew that she was getting used to it day by day.

Taking a sip from her own drink she just grabbed, she overheard the conversation between West, Paul and Dustin who decided to say goodbye to the girls he just had sex with for the rest of the night. It seemed like their strip club plan was completely forgotten.

"Why don't you guys come see Guns N' Roses tomorrow?" she heard West say, pulling away from the girl on his lap. Guns N' Roses?

"Yeah man, that'd be great!" Paul agreed, turning towards Dustin to make an explanation: "You heard of them? They're one of the bests here in LA." Dustin answered slurring: "OK, then!"

"Hey Aryl! Do you wanna come see GN'R tomorrow?" Paul asked her. "Yeah, why not." She briefly answered and took another sip.

Guns N' Roses, the strangest name ever, she naively thought. All she had in mind was to go see the gig with the rest of the band and have a good time. Only if she knew that it wasn't going to be it, and that something, someone special was going to cross her way...


Hi, I finally updated. The next update will include a red-haired guy ;) 

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