Part 13

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"Good morning, beautiful," Tom smiled at me. "I thought you might want to watch the sunrise." He was freshly showered, wearing a white cotton robe and sexy smile. The remains of last night's games had been thoroughly cleaned on the deck. Tom nestled behind me on the sun pad, wrapping his arms and legs around me. He brushed my unruly hair out of my face and placed a tight kiss on my cheek before offering me a steaming hot cup of coffee.

Even though it was February, and days were hot, the morning air at sea was chilling. I took a pleasurable sip of the much needed coffee with a bit of milk - just the way I liked it. Not having slept much all night, I felt hung over, even though I hadn't consumed any alcohol. The hot fluid warmed me from within. I remembered that too much caffeine might not be too good, took another sip and then put the cup down. I'd put on my underwear before falling asleep but that was all I was wearing. "Are you cold," Tom asked concerned, opening his rope, wrapping it around both of us.

"I'm fine just like this," I assured him, tilting back my head to look at him. I was rewarded with the most seductive smile. Tom leaned his head closer, closer to my lips. But the kiss he gave me landed on my cheek, again.

"Sorry," Tom whispered. "I just can't. I want to, really, but I just can't."

"That's okay, Tom," I reassured him. "It's perfect just like this."

We watched the amazing sun rise with Tom hugging me closely. It was the perfect ending to a perfect night out.

"We should head back," Tom announced. "You have to get Emma and Sam, don't you?" I silently nodded. After giving me another tight hug, Tom went into the cockpit, starting the yacht while I headed to the shower. Ready to get dressed, I realised just how dirty, but also ripped my lovely dress had gotten in the course of past night's events. I left the shower in a rope I found hanging in the bathroom which resembled Tom's. "Nice rope," Tom joked. "You'll look lovely in the taxi home." I scowled at him. 

"Where did you get new clothes from," I asked accusingly, as Tom was now wearing a casual but sexy outfit composed of dark blue swim shorts and a sunny yellow t-shirt. Must be planning for a day at the beach, I thought to myself. With a mischievous smile he explained that there were clothes in the main bedrooms' closet for me. I was astonished. "I asked Dan to organise something."

"When did you start planning this all," I asked, puzzled.

"During dinner last night!"


Opening the closet, I indeed found a white, summery dress with red flowers. Running the smooth fabric through my fingers I hoped I didn't have to return it. This must be the most beautiful dress I'd ever owned. There was also fresh underwear, a red lace set. Hmm? They fitted perfectly. I restrained myself from asking Tom how he knew my size. Or was it Dan who knew? I didn't even know this Dan guy. When entering the cockpit, Tom glanced at me as if he'd been anticipating my reaction. I stood still, put on my most alluring impression and lifted the dress, to grant him a brief glance at my new underpants. The red lace undies with matching bra would have now been the sexiest pair in my collection. Tom was clearly amused, his wicked grin getting even wider. "Well, I needed my undies back," he shrugged.

I nestled on the small lounge next to the cockpit. Tom had served a big breakfast on the table consisting of toast, bread rolls, different jams, eggs and a variety of mueslis. "You look so beautiful," Tom complimented me, before we enjoyed the lovely breakfast. I soaked in his every admiration and compliment. God knew how long it had to last.

A taxi was already awaiting us upon our arrival at Palm Beach jetty. The way back home took us just over an hour. Tom offered to pick up Emma and Sam in the taxi, as it would be easier and quicker. I'd hoped to pick them both up earlier. It was now already past ten. Thankful, I accepted the offer. It would give me a few more minutes with him, even though we had hardly spoken during the ride home, each of us sitting on opposite sides of the car. Tom was playing around with his phone and IPad while I was staring out the window for most of the time, following my own thoughts and steeling the occasional glance at Tom. I dreaded the moment I had to say good-bye to him, knowing he was leaving the next day, so I could only assume that I might see him again at work the next day.

Falling Down Under (I) #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz