Chapter 10: Townies

Start from the beginning

Lou nodded and bowed. Although she wasn't too far away from him, the knightling jogged over anyway.

"Did you hear that, Cael? We just need to speak with the Lord and Lady of Dragon Valley!"

"You make it sound so easy, Lou."

"How badly could they reject us? I am a knight. They at least need to listen to me."

Cael shook his head, and Lou plowed forward looking for where the Lady might be. She hadn't the faintest clue, but she knew she had to look for a longhouse of sorts. From what her father said of other towns, they usually had a longhouse.

When Lou walked down the streets, she felt oddly at ease. She felt like she does when her parents used to take her to her Aunt Elise's, with her spiraling hair and short stature. Louanne walked the streets expecting her to come around a corner saying something like "Lou, my love! Come tell your Auntie what the year has been like!"

Lou guessed she expected family.

She wasn't getting any, however, and shook of the feeling off her shoulders.

Cael rounded a corner after her. He grabbed her shoulder, shook her a bit, and nearly yelled at her.

Lou rolled her eyes. "I know what I'm doing, Cael."

"Do you? Do you, really?" He retorted.

The knight swallowed, and hard. "I believe so?"

Cael's face scrunched up. "I believe not. Unlike you, I know this town. Follow me, I'll take you to the Lord and Lady. Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Lou snapped. "We just got here? Are you serious?"

"Listen, Louanne, I really don't -"

"Of course not! The once time when I have the thought out plan, you go and push it off." Louanne stood up and walked away from him.

"Louanne!" Cael scrambled after her, but by the time he was on his feet Lou was yards away.

She didn't look back. Small groups of people whispered while she stomped by. She could guess what they were talking about. Some knight barges into town and makes a ruckus with her husband, the usual gossip.

Lou didn't know if she could even face Cael at the moment. She was pissed, and although it was a little irrational, she was getting tired of being the brawn to his brains. So what if he was clever? Why did everyone talk to him before her? Lou had hired Cael. They have to go through her first, they always did.

Lou nearly ripped the door off it's hinges when she made it to the tavern. A couple of people jumped, but most continued their conversations.

She walked to the bar and sat down. "Something sweet, please."

A stout man with four missing teeth and a patchy beard leaned over. "Got a sweet tooth, little missy?"

Lou turned to him and smiled brightly. "Why yes I do, why do you ask?"

The man blinked. "'Cause... That's something for little girls! Sweet drinks! For babies!"

Lou giggled softly and put her hand on the man's. "This baby is going to break your remaining teeth if you don't lay off."

The man pulls his hand away and grumbles to his friends. The bartender hands her a sweet drink that Lou downs slowly. After fifteen minutes or so, the door of the bar opens, slowly.

Someone sits next to Lou. She doesn't have to turn to see who it is.

Cael ordered something sweet, but the men to Lou's left didn't add anything. She was glad for that, in a way. They'd learned their lesson, for now.

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