Chapter 1

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Y/N was just 5 years old, when it all began. When her dad, Simon Cowell started becoming the face of the music industry. They used to live a simple life, that's how Y/N remembers it. No cameras, no press, no paparazzi, just simple. It was just her, her mom and her dad. Y/N remembers when they would go out and eat ice cream, go to the park, family night every Saturday. But when Y/N turned 8, she didn't know that as his father become more known and popular, more people would want his time, but Y/N didn't mind, she knows better and that is to share, she learned that from her dad. So, when a young boy, slightly older than Y/N came to their house, tears stained his puffy cheeks, while his eyes are red as tomatoes.


Y/N is sat on the couch in front of the TV, when she hears the door open and close, so she rushes down the stairs to greet her dad, only stopping at the end of the stairs when she sees a boy, who seemed to be crying.

"Hello, Dad." Y/N says as she shyly waves her hand to the boy.

"Y/N, I want to introduce you to Channing." Simon says as Y/N approaches her father.

"Why are you crying?" Y/N asks.

"Well, Y/N, Channing is your older brother." Simon says as he patted the boys back.

"Br-brother? Did you umm," Y/N asks, being 8 she understood adoption.

"Well, you will understand once you get older." Simon says.

"Hi, Channing. Would you like to play with me?" Y/N asked.

"I'm old now, I don't play anymore, but sure." Channing says with a slight smile.

Y/N turned 11 and then she understands why Channing is her brother, that's when she notices the change of schedule around the house. Her father is never home, her mother is night shift but in the morning she just sleeps. It was just her, Channing and Minerva, Minerva is their nanny that takes good care of her and Channing. 

"So, we are truly siblings?" Y/N asks as she tries to guard Channing from shooting the ball.

"Well, that's what I heard when Simon took me that day." Channing said bouncing the ball.

"What exactly did you hear?" Y/N asks.

"There's a person from the government that called Simon, she called him to inform that my mother died and that Simon is my only guardian left." Channing said side stepping to try and shoot but Y/N is quick.

"So, half-siblings then? How come I never knew about you?" Y/N asks.

Channing chuckled, having matured at an early age he knows what's going on. "Well, if I were Simon too, I wont be screaming to the world that I cheated and that I have a son outside the family." Channing says bitterly.

"Is that why you never call dad, dad? And why you always apologize to my mom?" Y/N asks.

"Simon was never a father to me so I would never call him dad. I apologize to your mom because I'm the outcome of what Simon did. But I must say, your mother is much stronger than mine." Channing says bouncing the ball. He never really like Simon, in fact he despised him for what he did to his mother, for what he did to Y/N's mom. He is thankful to meet Y/N though, he loves his sister half or not. He needs to protect Y/N.

Y/N turned 13 and she is now aware what Simon has been doing, that maybe there are more out there other than Channing, only Channing is the only one she knew of. Y/N notices all the child stars and the rising stars calls her Simon, uncle. How Y/N watches on TV and sees her dad treating all his stars like a child. Y/N felt neglected of course. That she started doing things her father won't be proud of.

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