CHAPTER 10: New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

We got ready and bundled up in our coats; headed to the park. It is spring time now, so there is still snow and it's still pretty cold. We drove to the park and when we arrived, there were kids playing and people walking around with their dogs. Antonio got out of the car and opened my door for me. He held out his hand to me and I placed mine in his.

"What's-a with the special treatment? Is it-a my birthday or something?"

"Haha, I just feel like it Lovi~! You are mi little tomate after all!"

I blushed and turned away. I heard him chuckle and I got out of the car. Stupid tomato bastard still manages to make me blush... Why is it so easy for him? I have to work my ass of to make him blush! I don't like this!

We began to walk around the park and chat here and there. Antonio stopped to play with some kids and they had an epic snowball fight. He hit me, probably on purpose, and tried to hide his laughter. He learned a lesson that day to NEVER have a snowball fight with me. Even though we'd get snow in Italy, it wasn't as much as New York. I was a General in the snowball army I had in Italy. I can throw a mean ball. He's probably going to have a bruise... Whoops... After that, we walked some more and there was a light festival going on. The whole park was lit for it and it was beautiful. I haven't seen the park like this in years... I've missed this... I looked over at Antonio after think that and smiled. I'm glad I get to see this with him now. It makes it so much more special.

We came to a clearing in the park and took a seat on the bench; waiting for the fireworks to start. We held hands to keep them warm and I huddled close to him for warmth. Man, I hate the cold... I shivered and he wrapped an arm around me to pull me close.

"Are you that cold, Lovi? You should wear more next time."

"Shut up... *shiver* I'll be-a fine... I can-a make it until the fireworks, bastard..."

"Haha, okay, Lovi."

"Don't-a call me that, tomato bastard..." He chuckled and I jumped when a big BOOM came from above. We both looked up and gazed in awe at the bright colors lighting up the sky. I smiled at the sky, but frowned when my human furnace left me. I looked at Antonio with confusion.

"What are-a you doing?"

"Lovino... I have to ask you something..."

"What-a is it? Can't it-a wait till after the fireworks?"

"No... I have to ask now..."

I cocked and eyebrow at him, but ushered for him to continue.

"Okay, here we go... Lovino... We've known each other for quite a while now and even work and live together. I'm always so happy to see and be with you. Even when you're grumpy. I love you so much, Lovi. So Lovino, will..."

He paused and I felt all flustered for some reason.

"What are-a you getting at..?" He stood still for a moment then got down to one knee. I covered my mouth and began to tear up.

"Lovino, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

The grand finale of fireworks went off the second he ended and I launched myself at him; embracing him. He returned the embrace and stood up with me. He pulled away slightly and looked down at me, smiling.

"Is that a yes?"

"Of-a course, idiota! What do-a you think?!" I cried tears of joy and he chuckled. He embraced me tighter and leaned down to capture my lips with his. It was so passionate that my knees felt weak. The fireworks were still going off behind us and illuminating our silhouettes. I never want this to end. I want this moment to last forever. It had to end though, sadly when we ran out of oxygen. We both panted, seeing our breath and began to laugh. Antonio took the ring out of its box and gently put it on my finger. It was so beautiful! It was a silver band ring with a round, beveled ruby in the center and two smaller emeralds at the top. Wait... This looks familiar...

"Is this a tomato?"

"Hehe, you like it?"

"Well, what do-a you think, stupid?"

"Haha yay! I picked a good one!"

I blushed, but smiled nonetheless. I get to spend the rest of my life with him! This is so great!!!

"Ti amo, Antonio! Ti amo!"

"Hahaha! Te amo, Lovino!"

We hugged and kissed some more before heading home. I stayed close to him the whole way back to the car. Not just from now being engaged to him, but I was still so f**king cold! Damn! Why did I move here?! It's always cold as balls during the winter and spring! Only good thing here is the tall tomato next to me and the business at work! That's it! I finished my rant in my head and hopped into the car when we arrived. We drove home and went straight to taking a nice, hot bath together when we got there. It felt like heaven! Especially since Antonio got chocolate and fed it to me in the bath!

"I love you, Lovino~"

He wrapped his arms around my torso and kissed the nape of my neck.

"I love you too, Antonio~" I placed my hands over his and smiled. This is the best Friday night of my life.

~~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Been busy with school, track practice has started after school, and I couldn't think of what to put to in this chapter until today. I hope you're enjoying it so far and thank you for reading!

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