Time of Angels (pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"Yes." The Doctor nodded with a pause. "You're right. I am definitely Mister Grumpy Face today."

River Song stuck her head out of the trailer then. "Doctor! Nova! Father Octavian!"

I got up and ran into the trailer with River, and she looked at me strangely. "Are you alright?" she asked. When all I did was stare at the grainy black-and-white screen of the weeping angel with its back turned instead of respond, River continued. "Oh no, I know that look. Are you going to do something stupid?"

Now it was my turn to look at her strangely. It seems she really did know me well. All I could do was shrug in response, because in all honesty, I was starting to have second thoughts.

River shook her head and laughed. "What are we going to do with you?"

I looked at the screen again, letting myself blink and not seeing it move, and remembered what Amy did to shut off the weeping angel. I knew what to do, but I also knew that certain things had to happen, even if it wasn't to the same person. I was concentrated on the screen so much, I didn't even notice when the Doctor and Amy joined us.

"What do you think?" River asked the Doctor, as he walked up to the screen. "It's from the security cameras in the Byzantium vault. I ripped it when I was on board. Sorry about the quality-- it's four seconds, i've put it on loop."

"Yep, it's an angel." The Doctor confirmed. "Hands covering its face."

"You've encountered the Angels before?" Father Octavian asked him.

"Once, on Earth, a long time ago. But those were scavengers, barely surviving." The Doctor recalled nonchalantly, and I finally tore my eyes from the screen to look at him. I knew exactly what he was talking about. It was strange, because when I was watching this as an episode, I didn't remember him saying that. But now that he's right here in front of me, I remember Martha and Sally Sparrow and the 10th Doctor in 1969. The man in front of me, studying the screen with crossed arms, wasn't just 11-- he was really the Doctor.

With that thought in mind, I breathed a little easier. If I couldn't get myself out of the mess I was about to get into, and neither could Amy or River, then the Doctor definitely could.

"But it's just a statue." Amy pointed out, not seeing the threat.

"It's a statue when you see it." River corrected.

Amy pulled me back a little, while the Doctor asked River where the statue came from. "What does that mean, it's a statue when you see it?" she asked me, whispering.

I looked to the Doctor and River, who seemed to be discussing too intently to pay attention to us at this point, so I decided to explain it to her. "When you're looking, they can't move, because they're quantum locked. So when you look at them, they literally don't exist, and turn to stone. When you aren't looking, they aren't stone, and they can move around and have the power to send people back in time, because that's kind of like... their food. When they send someone back in time, they feed off of all the days they were supposed to have. Meanwhile the victims live to death in a different time period."

Amy began smiling, and I realized that the Doctor and River went quiet behind me. "I get it!" she exclaimed.

"How did you know that?" The Doctor asked me.

I looked to River, and she grinned at me mischievously, as if she already knew what I was going to say. I shrugged. "I know how stuff works."

"She's a scientist." River added, and I found myself smiling also. I tended to tell people that a lot, too, especially back in the real world when people questioned how a young girl knew so much about astrophysics. Even before I was officially a scientist, my best friend Deevia in high school would call me one jokingly every time I got exited over something I'd learned.

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