Reality Or A Dream

Start from the beginning

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. My mom released me and I looked up to see it was Dad.

I turned back to my Mom and asked, "What exactly happened to me?"

Both my parents looked at each other before my Dad said, "Brie, you were in a coma for 3 weeks."

My mouth dropped wide opened and my eyes expanded from the news my Dad told me.

"What," I asked in a meek voice.

My Mom sighed before she rubbed my shoulders and told me the whole story.

"Amber said when you didn't show up after you were going to get your purse from the dressing room, so she started to worry. She went to the dressing room and when she tried to open the door, it was locked. She called for you, but you didn't answer. She found Kevin, your director, and told him that you are missing. They got one of the janitors to unlock the dressing room door and they... they saw you lying on the floor. They did not know if you had fainted or had died. They tried to wake you up, but you were not moving and Kevin said your breathing was very shallow. Amber called 911. The janitor believes one of the staff workers had mopped the floor and forgot to put up the wet floor sign. They think you slipped and hit the back of your head on the slate floor. The doctor believes you had a small concussion, and that's why you didn't wake up for 3 weeks."

I was still shaken after my mom explained to me what had happened... 3 weeks? A concussion and a coma? Did I hit my head so hard that I felt like I was in the phantom of the opera world? Or was I really sent to the Phantom of the Opera world? I was deep in thought when I realized that Dr. Graham walked in the room. After he checked my vitals, he told my parents that I needed to stay in the hospital at least one more night.

My parents kissed my head and said they would come back tomorrow. I asked my nurse if I could use a laptop, so I could Skype Amber. After she handed me the laptop and I logged in my Skype account, I immediately clicked the call button on Amber's account. A few seconds later, someone clicked the answer button.

"Hey Amber, it's... oh, hi Ryan," I said.

Ryan is Amber's 13 year old brother and he awkwardly has a little crush on me.

"Well hello sweetcheeks! Glad to see my sleeping beauty finally woke up," he said.

I groaned and rolled my eyes at his comment. "Ryan, where is Amber?"

"She's around, but why don't we have that little chat about our date coming up?"

Oh my gosh, this kid cannot take a hint! I was about to comment, when I heard a loud bang sound and Ryan looked pale as a white ghost.


I tried not to laugh when Ryan screamed and ran out of the room, avoiding a book being thrown at him. Suddenly, the next person who popped up the screen was my bff Amber.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that... again. Anyways, you scared me to death! I thought you died," she screamed at me.

I cringed a little bit and replied, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

She sighed before saying, "Well once you get out, you owe me a smoothie. These past 3 weeks have been a torcher. Being around Megan pretending to be her friend in the play makes me want to bang my head on a wall."

I sighed, relieved that she wasn't too pissed off at me. "Ok deal." Then I remembered why I wanted to talk to her. "Hey, I need to tell you something."

"Ok, shoot."

I took a deep breath before saying, "I... I think I was in the Phantom of the Opera."

Amber looked at me like I was crazy before replying, "Um yeah Brie, so am I. We are in the musical together."

"No, I mean in the Phantom of the Opera world. Like I stepped into the movie and Erik... Erik fell in love with me," I tried to explain without crying over the thought about Erik.

"You mean, you think while you were asleep for 3 weeks, you somehow stepped into the phantom world?"

I nodded my head and waited for her reaction. A few seconds later she started to giggle and smile at me.

"Oh my gosh! Was the phantom hot? No wait, don't tell me; he was either Gerard Butler or Ramin Karimloo."

Ok, now I know she thinks I am making this up. "Amber, I am being serious!"

"So am I, because I would have an amazing dream with either those two sexy phantoms."

She started to laugh at her joke, but her laughing slowly subsided when she saw my serious, not joking face.

"Oh... are you serious? You are not joking," she asked.

"No Amber I am not. I swear, I was there! I was dancing, singing, and... and it felt so real. I don't know if it was reality or a dream."

Amber nodded her head and looked off to the side. I knew she was thinking something. She looked back at me and said, "How about this, since tomorrow we have no rehearsals and you said you will be released from the hospital, how about I will buy you your favorite ice cream and we will discuss what happened in the phantom world."


"The one and only! Ok, I have to go before Ryan complains to Mom again. Call me when you get out and I will come over to your house with the ice cream. Oh, I'll text Kevin to tell him that you woke up," she said.

After we said goodbyes and logged off of Skype, I pushed the button next to my bed to call the nurse. When Nurse Rosa came back in, I handed her the laptop and thanked her. She told me that Dr. Graham said the vitals looked fine and I should get some rest. As my eyes slowly started to close, I swore I thought I heard a small whisper calling out to me.

"Brieanna, I am your Angel of Music. Come back to your Angel of Music."

And there you have it! I have to tell you that I sadly only have 1 chapter left for this story. But don't be sad and worry, because I have big news... I AM PLANNING TO DO A SEQUEL! It might be later on, because I have to get back to my Narnia and Merlin stories when I am done with this story. Don't forget to vote, review and until next time...


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