The Rose, Raoul, And The Mirror

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Hey everyone, I'm so glad I was able to write this chapter. This is my favorite chapter so far. Just to warn you guys, I might not be able to update soon because I'm back in college and I'm in a play that I wrote. Don't forget to send NICE reviews and check out my polyvore. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Brie.

As Meg, Christine, and I were walking back to the Prima Donna Room, we were suddenly bombarded by admirers and supporters from the audience. They were pushing to get to me, holding roses and flowers for me to take. I could barely hear with all the shouting and clapping going around the girls and me. I don't know if I was surprised or worried with all the pushing and attention I was getting. I looked over at Meg and Christine to see them squished and scared from the crowd. Thankfully we were saved by none other than Madame Giry.

As she grabbed my hand, she turned to her daughter and said, "Meg, you and Christine go back to the ballet dorms. I'll escort Brieanna back to the Prima Donna Room."

Meg nodded her head as she understood what her mother had said. I gave Christine and Meg a quick hug before they departed to their dorms. As Madame Giry and I continued to walk to the Prima Donna Room, I saw over one of the admirer's shoulder, Christine stop and hug someone. I smiled when I realized she was talking to Raoul. I was a little worried if Erik knew they were talking, hugging, and completely in love. I mean, Erik loves Christine like in the movie and the Broadway musical... right?

Finally, Madame Giry and I reached the Prima Donna room. As I walked back into the magnificent room, I could hear Madame Giry saying, "No...No!"

I knew she was telling the admirers, who were still trying to see me and hand me flowers, that I didn't wish to be disturbed. I was so shocked to see the room was filled with beautiful flowers. I guess I did do an amazing job tonight! I sat down in front of the makeup dresser as I thought about my best friend back home. I really missed her and my family. She would love it here as much as I do. If only Amber was here to see this. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Madame Giry smiling at me.

"You did very well my dear," she said. "He is pleased with you."

I was confused at first, but my eyes widen when I saw what she was holding in her hand. In her hand was a red rose with a black ribbon tied on the stem. I slowly and carefully took the flower out of her hand. I was paying too much attention to the rose, that I didn't noticed Madame Giry quietly exited the room. I could not believe it. I'm actually holding the famous rose that only one person hands out. This rose created a lot of questions which went through my mind. Why is HE giving me this rose? Wasn't Christine supposed to have the rose? What the hell is going on?

As I slowly touched the bloody red peddles, I hardly noticed the door slowly open in the room. My eyes widen when I heard someone talk.

"Little Lette let her mind wonder. Little Lette thought, 'Am I fonder of dolls or of goblins and shoes?'"

I turned my head and nearly gasped as I saw standing in front of me was Raoul. I looked in his hands to see a large bouquet of flowers.

"Raoul," I said.

Raoul smiled at me as he placed the flowers down on a small table.

He turned back to me and said, "Or of riddles or frocks?"

Since I memorized the lines I automatically said, "Those picnics in the attic."

"Or of chocolates?"

"Father playing the violin in front of us and Christine."

"As we read to each other dark stories of the north."

Red Rose Thorn (Phantom Of The Opera) (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt