What Have I Done?

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Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter!

Don't forget to vote, review and look up my Polyvore to see what clothes Brie is wearing. As for now, please enjoy this chapter.

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Brie.

I was with my parents and Amber in the park as we were walking to a local theater to see "Shakespeare in the Park." It's been a tradition that we get to see "Shakespeare in the Park" once a year and I was so glad Amber's parents allowed her to come with us.

"Oh man, I so can't wait! I wonder if we'll see 'Romeo and Juliet'... Oh, or maybe we'll see 'Much Ado about Nothing.' I've always wanted to see that play," said Amber.

I laughed at my best friend's excitement. This is just what I wanted; spending time with my family and my best friend. Not worrying about Megan or the musical; just having fun with the people I love.

"Come on girls, the show is about to start," I heard my dad call out.

My mom smiled at us as she said to us, "We have to hurry, if we don't want to be late and get good seats."

Amber ran ahead of me to catch up with my parents. I was about to run too, when the wind picked up and my hat blew off of my head. I turned around and ran after my hat. I had to get it back because it was one of my favorite hat's my grandma gave me for my birthday.

When I finally ran over and picked up my hat, I noticed that the wind had started to pick up and the bright blue sky had turned to black. I held onto my hat and ran over to where Amber and my parents were. I did not want to get rained on since it looked like a storm was coming up.

As I ran to where they were, I immediately stopped and screamed. I was looking at a horrible site. Right in front of me were my parents, hanging dead from a tree with a rope around their necks and Amber, at the base of the tree, laying dead covered up in blood.

No, they can't be dead! This is not real!

As I backed away in complete shock, tears covering my cheeks, I felt a loss of breath as I felt the body of another behind me. A man's chest. Before I could look take a glance at him, he held me tightly to him, as I felt his lips on my ear.

My heart pumped in fear as he whispered, "You belong to me."

I opened my eyes and gasped for air. Realization hit me that it was only a nightmare; Amber and my parents were not dead. I was still shaking like I could still see them dying again.

I took a deep breath and looked around me. I thought I was going to see that I was in my bedroom, but that wasn't the case. My eyes widen when I saw I was really in the swan room in the Phantom of the Opera. So everything that happened was real and I wasn't dreaming it.

I heard a smoothing melody and I turned to see it was the monkey music box that was playing. I recognized the song "Masquerade." I looked around to see the swan bed was surrounded by a lacey black curtain. I pulled the cord to see the curtain raise up. When the music box stopped playing, I heard some beautiful music coming outside of the room. I knew the phantom was playing his organ.

I was about to walk out of the room when a thought came to my mind. This is the part when Christine rips off Erik's mask. I don't want to make that same mistake she did... but will it change everything if I don't pull the mask off? And what about that nightmare; I'm still creped out about it. Was it a warning or was it just a stupid nightmare? What the hell am I going to do?

I took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the swan room. Looking around me, I saw the magnificent lair of the Phantom's. I turned to my right to see Erik playing a beautiful melody on the organ. The music felt like it was soothing me, which helped since I was still scared from the nightmare. I cleared my throat to alert Erik that I was behind him.

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