Down Once More

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Hey everyone! Since I am in a good mode today and I am on break from my job, I decided to post another chapter today for you! I do hope you will like it and answer some of your questions. Brie's outfits are on my Polyvore page if you want to look. Don't forget, vote and review please and enjoy the chap.

Also, I don't own anything except my OC Brie.

3rd POV

Christine's eyes widen with horror when she witnessed the Phantom and her little sister was falling down and then disappeared. She screamed for Brieanna. The monster took her little sister. Christine suddenly heard screaming and she looked up to see the chandelier starting to shake. She gasped in horror as the chandelier fell from the ceiling. It was falling right towards the stage... AND HER! Christine ran off stage before chandelier could reach her. The audience was screaming in horror, running away, trying to avoid the falling chandelier.

As the audience was running towards the exit, Reyer looked at his musicians and screamed "GO!"

He jumped out of the orchestra pit, barely being hit by the chandelier. The chandelier smashed right into the first row, the orchestra pit, and the stage. The chandelier burst into flames and the wooden stage and silk curtains caught on fire. Everyone started to panic when they saw the Opera House was on fire!

Carlotta looked behind the curtain and gasped with fright. Lying on the floor was a motionless Piangi with a lasso around his neck.

"Piangi my love. Mi amora," crying Carlotta as she laid her head on Piangi's chest and sobbed for her dead lover.

Andre and Firmin stood from their balcony, staring at the destruction of the Opera House.

"Oh my God," scream Andre

"We're ruined Andre! Ruined," cried Firmin before they ran out of the balcony and fled for their lives.

Christine was running back stage, trying to find Raoul and trying not to be pushed by the terrified actors, dancers, and crew members. She wasn't looking where she was going, because she suddenly tripped over a small prop table. She hissed in pain when her right knee collided with the wooden floor. She looked back at the table, when she saw something sticking out underneath the table. She reached over and grabbed the item. Her eyed widen with shock when she realized that in her hands was a map to the Phantom's lair. Someone must have put the map underneath the table just in case. On the map, there was a secret passage way from the costume room that had no booby-traps. Her eyes harden and knew what she had to do. With the map in her hand, she ran to the costume room to find the trap door and save her sister.

Raoul was in a panic when he saw Brie being taken away. To make matters worse, now he couldn't find Christine. He had a feeling that she either escaped, the phantom got her too, or she was trying to find a way to save Brieanna. He saw Madame Giry and ran up to her.

"Where did he take her and have you seen Christine," he asked frantically.

Madame Giry knew what needed to be done. She nodded her head and said to Raoul, "Come with me Monsieur. I will take you to him. But remember keep your hand at the level of your eyes."

Meg ran up to them and said, "I'll go with you."

Madame Giry shook her head and grabbed Meg's shoulders. "No! Meg, No! You must stay here. Find Christine." She turned back to Raoul and said, "Come with me Monsieur."

Meg sighed before she turned around to see a crowd about to follow her mother and Raoul.

"No," she cried as she blocked the crowd from following. In her mind, she hoped Raoul would save her best friend.

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