Chapter 4

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Kayla POV

Michael and I walk back into class he told me too act like I was mad or upset so it seemed like he was giving me shit. He told me to do that cuz we were in the walkway for sooooooooo long that the students might have gotten a bit suspicious.

I return to my seat and sit down and cross my arms all the students are staring at me I just did what Michael said and acted like I was mad because I kinda am I mean
Why does the class need to stare at me
I though I yelled that in my head but I just realized I yelled it out loud
I may now internally FREAK OUT!!!
Now everyone is definitely staring at me. Then after a few seconds they turn away with scared faces
After sitting in such an awkward situation class finally ends I slowly put my things away so I can be alone with Michael again

I slowly walk up to him, finally the last kid leaves and closes the door now no one can see us.

Me Jackson...... I mean Michael
Looks up at me and I smile and wink at him witch makes him blush
I can't believe I have that effect on a guy
Sorry not a guy a MAN.
For Pete sake it's MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!

Ok Kayla you've been staring WAY too long say something quick!!!!

" hey"
I say to Michael witch gets his attention, he looks up from his papers and smiles at me.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground
I open my eyes everything is blurry but I can see that Michael is on top of me ( A.N. Not in a sexual way u naughty pickle)
Then I pass out

Michaels POV
(Yaaaay finally his POV)

Kayla is walking up too my desk
Dam she looks sooooo good in her school uniform, that skirt fits her curves just right and the way she walks makes it more sexy!!!!
Then BANG!!!!!!
Kayla is laying on the floor, she's not moving
OMG OMG what do I do
Shit Michael think!!!!
I Crouch over her and she opens her eyes a bit then she passes out

I NEED TO GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!!! (A.N. Their school doesn't have a school nurse)

I quickly grave my bag and Kayla's bag and throw them over my shoulder and I carefully pick Kayla up and carry her in a bridal style
I run out to my car without anyone seeing me.
I carefully lay Kayla on the back seat and buckle the middle seat belt so she's safe, I close the door then run to the drivers side and hop in and do my seat belt the VROOM I'm basically speeding down the road like I'm in nascar.
Finally 10 minutes later we make it too the hospital.

OOOOOOOOO I think this was a pretty good chapter
What do y'all think???
Pls vote and comment love ya all

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