Fallzswimmer Presents: Backstage Pass

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"Er, yeah. Hi." God, there I go again with another genius response.

"This  is so crazy. My friends and I are going to your concert tonight." She  pointed out the window to where two boys and a girl were waiting. To my  surprise, both of the guys were dressed head to foot in Heartbreakers  merchandise. While I was used to seeing girls drag their boyfriends  along to our concerts, it wasn't very often I came across guys who were  genuine fans.

"Wow," I said, scratching the back of my head. "They really went all out for tonight, didn't they?"

At  this, the girl dissolved into a fit of laughter. After a few moments,  she calmed down enough to wipe her eyes and say, "Not by choice. They  lost a bet to me and my friend, otherwise they wouldn't be caught dead  wearing a Heartbreakers shirt. No offense or anything."

As  soon as she said that, I noticed that the tall blonde dude didn't look  very happy. He was staring off into the distance, a scowl on his face.  His arms were crossed over his chest, and it was obvious the shirt he  was wearing didn't belong to him: it wasn't long enough on his torso,  and his biceps looked like they were going to bust through the sleeves  at any moment. The hot pink feather boa wrapped around his neck  completed the look.

I let out a bark of laughter. "None taken," I told her. "That's hilarious. Props to them for going through with it."

The girl smiled and looked up at me through her lashes. "I'm Nicky by the way."

"Nicky," I said, testing out her name. "Nice to meet you."

"I  know you're probably sick of this, but I'd hate myself if I didn't ask.  Do you think maybe we could—" she paused and started rummaging through  her purse. After a few seconds of digging, she pulled out her phone.  "Ah, here is it. Could we get a picture together?"

I  hesitated. There was no way I could take a picture with Nicky. A few  other people in the restaurant had already cast curious glances in my  direction, and posing with her would only attract more attention. But at  the same time, I couldn't say no to this girl. Not with eyes like that. 

"How about this," I told her. "Give me you and your  friends names. I'll set up access passes so you guys can come backstage  after the show and take a picture with all of us."

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed, nearly dropping her purse. "Wait a sec...is this some type of prank where you punk your fans?"

I  had to stop myself from laughing. "Not a prank, I promise. When you get  to the Staples Center, go to the will call window. You can pick up the  passes there."

"Okay, just give me a second." Nicky  dug through her purse again with shaking hands. This time she pulled out  a pen and an old receipt to write on. "Thank you so much, Xander.  You're awesome for doing this. Not that I ever thought you were a jerk  or anything, but this is way above and beyond the call of duty," she  rambled.

"No problem," I told her, because really,  this was a win-win situation for me. I was going to make it out of  Chipotle without getting mobbed and I'd get to see Nicky again.

She  finished her list quickly and handed it over. "Here," she said, and I  could tell from the way she bit her lip that she was trying to contain  her excitement. Next to her name were three others: Keeley Brewer, Zack  Brewer, and Talon Harrington.

"Awesome." I folded the  receipt and stuffed it in my back pocket just as the woman behind the  counter called for the next person in line. I was up. "Well, I guess  I'll see you later then?"

"Definitely. Good luck tonight, Xander."

"Thanks.  I hope you guys have fun," I said in way of goodbye before stepping up  and ordering. They made my burrito bowl quickly, and as I was paying for  my food, I saw Nicky being handed her rice. "Enjoy your free sample," I  teased.

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