Fallzswimmer Presents: Backstage Pass

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"Who staffs only one employee during dinner time?" she said when she caught my gaze. "It's a crime I tell you. A crime!"

"Um,  yeah. Totally." I didn't know what else to say, which was strange for  me. I never had issues talking to strangers. Out of the four of  us—Oliver, JJ, Alec, and myself—I did the best in interviews, because I  enjoyed chatting with people. As for girls, I didn't find them as  intimidating as I did back in junior high when I was a band geek. There  was something about being a member of a world famous boy band that  helped me get over my insecurities quickly.

But this  girl—the beautiful dark eyed girl—she'd only said a handful of words,  and for some freaking reason, I couldn't think of a better response than  totally. God, what was wrong with me?

I racked my  brain in search of something more to say, but before I could come up  with anything, she continued talking. "I don't even want to order  anything. I just want the fricking sample."

I jumped on this new bit of conversation. "Sample?"

"Yeah,  didn't you know?" she asked, her eyes lighting up at my question.  "Chipotle is testing a new habanero rice, and for today only you can try  a bowl for free." She said this with a huge grin, like free rice was  the single best thing in the world. I instantly decided that I liked  her.

"You're braving this line for rice?" I asked, my lips quirking in amusement.

She raised her chin like this was something to be proud of. "I take my free samples very seriously."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, I can see that."

The  girl opened her mouth to respond, but then paused and narrowed her  eyes. "Hey," she said, cocking her head to the side. "Do we know each  other?"

Crap! My mouth instantly went dry and I  glanced over my shoulder at the line. The woman working the counter had  returned from the kitchen with another employee, and they'd already  served three more customers. With any luck, I'd be out of here soon.

"Nope, don't think so," I said quickly. "Enjoy your habanero rice."

I  turned back around without another word, praying to God she'd leave  well enough alone. The last thing I needed was to cause a scene at  Chipotle. What I should have done was forgot about my food and walk out,  but the empty feeling inside my stomach made me stay.

Free  sample girl didn't let it go. She flitted around me to get another look  at my face. "No, seriously," she was saying. "I swear I know you from  somewhere."

A long sigh escaped my lips. It would only be a moment until—

"Oh my God!" she gasped. The puzzled expression on her face vanished, and her eyes went wide. "You're—"

I  moved before she could finished her sentence. "Shhh!" I said, clamping a  hand over her mouth. "Please not here. Not when there are so many  people around."

"Mmm-ay," she mumbled against my hand, which sounded a lot like okay.

"You promise to be quiet?" I asked, and she gave a vigorous nod of the head.

I  released my grip and took a step back. The girl stared at me for a long  moment, mouth open wide like she couldn't believe I'd just done that to  her. I hardly believed it myself. I could still feel the tingle from  where her lips had pressed against my palm, and I quickly wiped my hand  on the back of my jeans.

"Sorry about that," I added as the tops of my ears started to burn. "It was rude of me."

"Holy—You are him," she whisper-hissed. "I knew it! You're Xander Jones."

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