But I do

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A/n:All characters (except princess Elaina) places and ideas and magic (except being a fairy/ mermaid/witch and maybe some family connections) belong to sony entertainment. Again so sorry for the long update. So from now on the newest part must get 10 reads for an update. Enjoy and please comment, I love to read what you have to say!. :)


This is the most disgusting thing I've every done! I smiled at the chef who looked a little disappointed about his theory of me being a human. He walked away and as soon as he did I ran to the lady's room and threw up. "Elaina? Are you alright?" Dracula asked. "Ya... Oh wait, hold on... Ok now I think I'm good." I said after I was done. I cleaned up my hands and face and took a mint and sucked on it. Then Dracula and I went back to the table. "I'm so sorry about that. You took a big risk for the hotel and I appreciate you for that." "what did you want tell me?" I asked. "Oh yes, another human has found their way to the hotel." He whispered. "Oh no! How did they find it? Oh I hope it wasn't cause of me." I said. "Oh no it wasn't cause of you. It was cause of... Me." He said ashamed. "What? How?" I asked surprised. I assumed he took every precaution to hide the hotel from humans.

He sighed. "Mavis always wanted to explore the world and see new things. So for her one hundred and eighteenth birthday I told her she could go visit a human village. I told her that there was one not far from the hotel that she could go and have a look around. The village wasn't real. I build it and had the zombie staff pretend to be humans. When we were going back they had caught on fire. That caught the human's attention so he followed us back to the hotel and is now disguised like you. I just didn't want Mavis to get hurt. If she did I don't know what I would do." He explained. I nodded to show him that I understood. I thought of my father and how he was like that too.

After that we headed back to his room. I felt his fingers touch mine again. I knew I was blushing uncontrollably and my heart was beating so fast and so loud I was wondering if the entire hotel could hear it. Is it possible that I could... When I just met him a couple hours ago though? Oh, but I couldn't deny how much I loved the way he held my hand, he was nice and sweet and comforting, and that dream. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Dracula's lips on mine. "No! This isn't what you think it is! That dream was just a DREAM, Not reality. Plus he's only holding your hand because he wants to make sure everyone know your his "niece". You don't have love him" my mind said. But I did, I did love Dracula.

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