A human!

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A/n: All characters (except princess Elaina) places and magic (except being a fairy/ mermaid) belong to sony entertainment. I love to read the comments you guys send me so please write some! Enjoy!

Dracula's POV:

I was sitting on the roof of the hotel, I don't know why I wanted to though. Mabey just to get some fresh air? The smell of skeletons and zombies don't always smell that pleasent. Then someone landed at me. At first I thougt it was my daughter, Mavius. "Mavius dear, I told you bef-. I gasped. There was a human in my arms! I sat there for a moment, starring into the pair of hazel eyes that were full of fear. She was about to scream but I covered her mouth quickly and ran to my bedroom. "Is that a hu-" The door hanger started to say but I snapped my fingers and a zipper apeared on her lips and zipped them. Once in my room I slammed the human up againts the wall. "How did you find my hotel?' I asked sternly. "Please sir, I was flying and a wind blew me off course! I would gladly leave if my wings wern't torn." She replied. I examined the trasparent wings attached to her back witch had holes and scrtches through out them, there was even a couple twigs in them! "Please let me go!" she pleaded. I wanted her to leave as soon as posible but her wings were so badly damaged she won't be able to fly back from where ever she came from. I would fly her myself but I have to plan Mavy Wavy's One hundred eightenth birthday party, not to mention there might be other horrible humans there. I Allowed her to move away from the wall and gestured my hand for her to take a seat on one of the stools. I sat on the other one. "What's your name?" I asked.


"Elaina, Princess Elaina." I answered. "I'm Dralcula. I'm pretty sure you have heard my story and feared my name." He said. "I don't fear you." I told him. "Of course you do! Every human does! They think I'm going to drink their blood, I stopped that, You don't know where that blood has been, Plus it's fatty!" he said. "So, what other monsters are here?" I asked curiosly. "I'm not telling you just in case your curiosity kills a cat." He said. "Well I think I should be leaving." I said getting up and walking towards the door but the vampire blocked it. "No! You can't leave! If my guests see there's a human in my hotel they will leave the one place they feel excepted and safe!" he said. I looked into the blue eyes that had a pleading look in them. I sat back down in the stool and Dracula gave a sigh of relief. "I'll have to keep you here until I can trust you to keep this hotel a secret. It might take months for me to gain your trust though." he said. "No! you can't!" I said. If he was going to keep me for a couple days it would be fine, but months? I needed to get back to school. '"Yes I can and I will!" he said. "No! I need to leave now! Let me go at once or I'l-" I was interupted by a beastly roar coming from Dracula.

Dracula's POV:

"You will not leave until I tell you that you can leave!" I said after I roared at her. Princess or not she will not tell me what she can or can not do! I looked at the girl who must have been so afraid she had ran to the corner and was crying in her knees. I felt a little guilty. I'm pretty sure she was just as scared and confused as I was. I sighed and knelt down in front of the crying girl. I lifted her chin so I was starring into those hazel eyes again."I'm sorry." I said. "I-it's fine, it's just, I was held captive before and I wished that it would never happen again." she said. "Well don't think of it that way this time, this is a hotel after all! Just pretend your staying as a guest." I told her. She gave a little nod. "Well I got to-" I started to say but there was a knock at my door. "Dad?" I heard from behind the door. "Quick get in the closet!" I told the princess. I did not want Mavius to know about the human girl.

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