A dream

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A/n:All characters (except princess Elaina) places and ideas and magic (except being a fairy/ mermaid and maybe some family connections) belong to sony entertainment. Enjoy! Sorry for the long update. I was busy and sick.


"Dracula, I'm so sorry about everything. I should just go." I said, tears threatened to escape my eyes and flow down my cheeks. "No! I don't care what the others think! I love you, no matter your age, appearance, or race. I want to be with you. If you leave, I won't be able to stop thinking about you. My heart will ache more now that two girls will leave me. But if want to leave, you may." He said turning around and started to walk away. "Wait Dracula! I love you too! I just don't want the other monsters to get uncomfortable with a human here. After all, you built this place exclusively for monsters." I said, a tear slipped and ran down my cheek. Dracula turned around and came back to me. He wiped the tear away and pulled me close to him. "It's alright, one human won't hurt. Especially someone with a big sweet heart like you." He told me. I placed my head on his chest. "I don't know how this moment could get any better." I said. He lifted my chin so I was starring into his blue orbs. "I know." He said and placed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he stroked my face lovingly. He broke the kiss. "That was amazing!" I smiled. "Princess Elaina wake up." Dracula said. "What?" I asked confused. "Wake up!" He said in a louder tone. I opened my eyes. Dear lord... Did I just dream about kissing Dracula?!

Dracula's POV:

I found Elaina sleeping on the floor moaning "I love you" in her sleep. I shook her. "Wake up." I said. Her eyes opened her eyes and she sat up. "Who were you telling I love you to in your dream?" I asked. "Oh, uh, my crush." She said with a deep blush appearing on her cheeks. "See, she loves someone else. A perfect sign to that you two are not meant to be!" My mind insulted. "Are you alright?" I heard Elaina's voice cut threw my thoughts. "Oh...yeah, sorry. I got lost in my train of thought." I said. "Listen, I need to talk to you, let's go to Hunchback's and get something to eat." I suggested and extended a hand. She took it and I pulled her up. I guided her to the restaurant. I felt her fingers ever so lightly touch mine. I thought for a moment. "Maybe if I hold her hand I can find the reaction she will have if I actually have feelings her." Slowly I wrapped my fingers around hers, one by one until our fingers were weaved together. She looked at our hands then at me. She was smiling! We pasted by Wayne, Wanda and who knows how many puppies. "Aww! Wayne honey look! Drac and Elaina are gonna spend quality Uncle- niece time!" Wanda gushed. Finally we got a table at Huchback's. Quazy Moto came to our table with two dishes. "Tonight Misure Dracula I will be serving you two my special, Worm spaghetti with gut sauce!" He announced. I forgot Elaina didn't eat stuff like this and when I took a look at her you could tell she was holding back vomit. The stupid rat was having another squeaking fit and was sniffing Elaina. "Esmeralda! Stop this instant! Elaina is Dracula's niece! She's going to eat her meal because vampires love this dish... Unless she's not a real vampire." Quazy Moto had an evil look in his eyes. Elaina looked at me nervously. Then I could not believe what she did... She put some of the worms on her fork and... Ate it!

By chance (Hotel Transylvania fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin