Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Fuck off" Mason tries to push Xavier back, but there's an obvious difference in size between the two and he can barely make Xavier budge.

"Grace go inside" Xavier's words catch me off guard and I shake my head. No way am I leaving them alone. "Grace go, we won't fight."

His dark gaze snaps to mine and then I look at Mason whose glaring at Xavier. I open the front door and then look at Xavier again whose still staring at me. "I promise." He repeats again and I realise that I should be able to trust him. So I go inside.

Stupid boys.

Xavier's POV  -  You're welcome ;)

Grace bites her lip as she stares at me with her wide innocent eyes, like she always does when she's thinking before she turns and walks inside, closing the door behind her.

"Get. Off. Me." Mason tries to shove me again, but I barely feel anything and instead press him harder into the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I lower my voice enough so Grace can't hear, I know she'll be in the kitchen waiting.

"I came to apologise" he answers. "To Grace, not to you."

"She deserves more than some sappy apology from you" I don't keep the disgust from my voice. "You don't even deserve to talk to her."

"I don't deserve her?" He scoffs. "If I don't deserve her then you sure as hell don't deserve her."

"You're right, I don't deserve her" I answer, which is true. I don't. "But at least I put her first and do whatever it takes to make her happy, not like you. You make her cry and then ignore her for weeks and then turn up on my doorstep like a wounded puppy."

"Don't try and act like a good guy Xavier" He grunts slightly when I push his back further into the brick behind him "I know the sick things you do, I know about all the people you kill. You're nothing but a monster and you've dragged Gracie into your fucked up world because she's to nice to reject you."

"You're pathetic Mason" I release my hold on him as I speak. "You're not talking to her, just go home."

"You can't decide who she talks to moron" he steps towards me and I resist the urge to punch him like I would in any other situation. "Stop trying to control her, she's not a baby."

"I'm not controlling her, I'm protecting her. You've only made her cry the last times you've talked to her so fuck off and leave her alone. I don't like people being around her who make her upset."

"You really are an asshole" He answers, glaring at me as I smirk. "I knew you were bad news as soon as I saw you at school."

"Why can't you just accept the fact that she's happy without you? That she's happy with me instead of you."

"Because you're a criminal!" He screams in frustration and runs a hand through his hair. "What if you go to jail? What if you get killed? What if people hunt Grace down? What if she gets killed?"

"I won't let anyone hurt her, starting with you" I step towards him so we're only inches apart, he's much smaller than I am. "Now fuck off so I can go inside, to my girlfriend."

That must've irritated him because he swings his fist as me which I easily dodge but don't return, I promised Grace I wouldn't. "Just go home Mason, you aren't achieving anything."

"She'll realise one day you know, she'll realise that you were a mistake. I'll make sure she does and I'll make sure I'm there when she dumps your ass and you get jailed for all the bad things you've done."

I step towards him so my mouths directly beside his ear, my hand grips the back of his neck hard enough to leave a bruise. "You're very lucky that for some fucked up reason she cares about you" I whisper. "Because if she didn't, you'd already be dead."

"You're insane." He pulls away from me and I let him, he trembles slightly and it's very obvious he's afraid. "I'll make sure you get arrested, I'll - I'll go to the police."

"Whatever you say" I answer as I turn away from him and walk towards the house, pulling my jacket off my shoulders and my boot kicks the door shut behind me.

"What happened?" Grace asks, she looks panicked and worried. There's a paleness to her usually rosy cheeks. "Where's Mason?"

"He left" I don't mean for my answer to come out as cold as it does. "Trust me Grace, you don't want to hear what he's got to say right now."

She nods silently, she's taken her jacket off somewhere and she's only left in the dress that's been driving me crazy all night. I need to take a cold shower.

"Come" I offer my hand and she takes it, smiling shyly as I help her upstairs.

"I'm going to have a shower" I begin unbuttoning my shirt and kick off my shoes, freezing when I feel her tiny hand wrap around my arm. "What's wrong?" I ask, the pinkness has returned to her cheeks again as she wraps her thin arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry about Mason. I know you don't like him." Thats one way to put it, the guys an absolute dick but I'd never say that to her. My arms wrap around her as well, holding her closely as her sweet scent surrounds me. She smells so good, she always does. Everything about her drives me crazy, she's so sweet and innocent. I feel like the big bad wolf that gets her all to myself. She's pressed tightly against my front in the dress that hugs her curves perfectly and I can barely control myself from ripping it off her.

"I really need to go have a shower" I whisper, loosening my hold from around her and pulling back slightly, theres a dark blush on her cheeks and I smile, she looks beautiful when she blushes. "Why are you blushing?" She only blushes when she's nervous or embarrassed and she glances at her feet shyly. I have no idea why she's still so shy around me, but that's just one of the things I love about her.

I really need to have a cold shower.

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