Chapter 3

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Christina's POV:

*At Wendy's*

I went in Wendy's and the first thing- well person, I saw is one of the guys that was at Mc Donald's. His name is Jacob Smith. Yeah...Long story.

We went to the same middle school. He was my crush back then, he was cute back then... Now he's HOT, like damn. Anyway, we were best friends, but he moved to another country, New York.

We didn't see each other, till now...

He saw me and walked towards me. "Hi", he said, smiling. "Hi", I said nervously. I still get nervous around him, dammit. "Sooo.... How are you?", he said, smiling again. Wait, what? Is that a dimple a see. Holy cow.

"I'm god, I-I mean good, yeah I'm good", I said, mentally slapping myself. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Christina. Nice, He chuckled. "Got a stutter I see", he said, and chuckled again. Oh god.

"Oh, no, no", I said shaking my head, "Just a little nervous".    Oh no. "Nervous? Why?", he asked, confused. Dammit. "Uhh... I-I don't know", I said, stuttering. I blushed in embarrassed.

"Uhh... Ok?", he said, confused. I quickly went to the cashier and ordered 4 combo's of the number 5.

5 minutes later, I've gotten my order, I payed it and quickly left Wendy's. Jacob was calling my name, I ignored him and I went in my car and went home.

Short chapter, sorry

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