Chapter NINE - Wings

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If Kyra could forget that she was trapped in that place with a virtual stranger who thought he was an angel, she could have enjoyed herself. Talking to Sam, face to face, was as exciting as it was online. They had spent several hours, browsing vinyl records and playing them on the turntable. He also had CDs. It had been fun to learn how to work the turntable and the projector. It had been even better to see how many books with paintings and old photographs Sam had. She could stay there forever. At least, she could have if she wasn't there against her will and because of some farfetched idea that she was a Nephilim and demons were chasing her.

"I can't believe how much cool stuff you have here! You should donate these to a museum. They don't have nearly as many Art books as you do."

"I've collected these books for you. I have no intention of giving them away to be locked up and hidden from the world. The majority of the pictures would be censored."

Kyra nodded, pursing her lips with her eyes on the pictures. "I wish I could travel around the world to paint."

"You will, once you get your wings. We'll go together. There's a lot I want to show you," Sam said with a happy face and sparkling eyes.

Kyra sighed, ignoring his deranged comment. She wished it was true, though.

"Don't you ever get tired?"

"Do you want to sleep? Sometimes, I forget you are still human. We don't have the same perception of time as humans do. So, I have no idea what time it is. Are you hungry?"

Kyra shook her head. "I'm okay."

She closed the heavy book and hugged it against her chest. Sam had his gaze on hers. They were both seated on the couch, next to the bookshelves.

"Don't you miss it?"

"What?" Sam asked, completely lost in how beautiful and vulnerable she looked.

"The world before the Big War. It seemed a lot more interesting than this one... I mean, you have all these books and movies that tell you how the world used to be."

Kyra understood the ridiculousness of her question. Asking him that was like telling him she believed he was an angel who had lived hundreds of lives. All he knew about the Old World was based on everything he had about it and not because he was an immortal being.

"There are some things I miss. There were more people and more cultures in the world. But we learn to adapt. I should go out to patrol the city and see if—"

Kyra dropped the book and reached for his arm. "Please, don't leave me."

Sam gulped at her pleading eyes. He slightly narrowed his eyes, tempted by her scent. He had enjoyed their time together, but he needed some space. The attraction was becoming unbearable.

"We could turn on the radio and listen to the news..." Kyra proposed. She moved closer to him because he didn't answer. She caressed the hair next to his left temple. When she thought he was going to relax and close his eyes, his hand grabbed her wrist, startling her.

"You shouldn't touch me," he whispered in his husky voice, standing up.

"Why?" Kyra asked, blinking several times and raising her head to look at him. "Don't you like it?"

"You are still human, and I'm your supposed kidnapper."

"I don't understand your reasoning."

"It's hard to explain without you thinking I'm more twisted than you already do. It's not like you are going to believe me."

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