The Bringer of Fate

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3rd PoV

The rain had been relentless. It fell in torrents soaking all who fell victim to its unrelenting drops. Not even the protective barrier around Camp Half-Blood could keep the storm out, it was as though the gods themselves wished to tear the sky apart.

Up on Olympus, the storm raged worse than anything the gods and goddesses had ever seen before. It swirled like a hurricane, the throne room at the centre of the madness. The great fourteen gods and goddesses of legend had gathered for their annual winter solace meeting. Not five minutes into the usual arguments (who mother Rhea loved most, my domain is better than yours, etc.) the storm had begun. Not a shocker at all to most they turned to look at the three brothers who headed their council. At the unsure and nervous looks on the three brothers faces, particularly looking at Zeus and Poseidon, the council members began to glance around looking for the unknown intruder. It made them nervous that someone with this amount of power could have made their way into Olympus undetected, let alone the throne room.

Suddenly the body of a young boy fell from the sky. Landing on his back the gods of Olympus had a clear view of his face – had they not known better they could have sworn this boy was a younger son of Poseidon. Of course this would not be possible as the child was at Camp Half Blood and several years older than this boy appeared. The flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder didn't cease, as though hearing the confusion among the gods and goddesses the storm surged inwards. Lightning and wind rushed past the gods swirling around the boy lying on the ground. Rushing upwards the storm dissipated above the heads of the gods leaving the three fates standing around the young boy: Clotho stood at his head, Lachesis on his left and Atropos on his right.

"My ladies, who is this boy?" Zeus asked.

"This boy is the bringer of fate," Lachesis stated. "The boy will be tested, his faith put to the test. This boy shall earn his title, for he shall be greater in this life than any past life. Perseus Jackson will be the greatest legend of his kind."

Poseidon look down at his son with sorrowful eyes, "What do you mean by 'past life'?"

Atropos turned to look at the weary god, "Your son died not three hours ago."

"The daughter of wisdom went with him, they have enemies everywhere," Clotho finished.

"I knew he would kill her eventually, I told you didn't I," Athena screeched at Poseidon.

"Goddess Athena," Atropos began, "It was never the son of Poseidon's fault. The camp has been infiltrated, your daughter was smart enough to figure it out. She will rest peacefully for she has achieved Elysium."

"What are we to do for the camp?" Artemis asked, "We cannot interfere directly as the ancient laws forbid it."

Zeus looked up solemnly, "We have no choice. We must believe that the child in front of us will become the saviour of our children. Send him on his journey," he spoke the last part to the fates. In a flash of light, the three old ladies disappeared with the body of the young boy.


Percy's PoV

I opened my eyes to a familiar room. The blue wall in front of me was a dead giveaway. Sitting up I groaned in pain grasping my left side which was currently sending throbs of pain through the left side of my torso.

"Percy!" I heard my mother call, "What are you doing here?"

"I – I don't know," I said truthfully. The last I could remember was that new camper stabbing me in the side, not that I would tell my mum that.

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