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“Baby girl, you need to start eating more,” I spoke soothingly to Jen. You see, Jen is my cow, she was given to me when I was just three years old as a birthday present and so I grow up with her. Some people have dogs as pets, others have cats, but me, well lets just say that I'm a not so normal girl.

We live in the city and I have a cow as a pet that I walk everyday. I mean we as in me, Jen, and my Dad, who by the way is a lawyer and I can sue you if you try to even hurt my Jenny. Even though I go to a private school I still always have time for Jen and my Dad.

See when I was born my Mom died because the pain was too much for her or that was what I was told. Her last words were I love you, Josie, my Dad and Mom hadn't at the time picked a name for me and when she said that my Dad knew right away that, that would be my name because no one in the room at the time was named Josie. And so, here I am with Jen, who by the way is pregnant and isn't eating as well as she should be.

We were at my Dad's house were I keep her most of the time. She was pregnant by this hunk of a cow that was at the carnival when we went a little under nine months ago. Yes, I take her places with me and my friends freak out but I just leave them most of the time because they complain about guys not coming to them.

Which I think is funny because most of the time they go to guys, well who am I kidding they ALWAYS go to them. Anyway, her pregnancy by this hunk of a cow, who has brown fur all over his body with a few spots of black on his stomach. Who by the way was owned by the even sexier hunk that had black hair, sort of in a emoish style and amazing bright blue eyes.

His name was Richard, had the most tone looking body. We spoke for a while until we noticed Jen and Chris, Jen's hunk, doing something in public that was illegal in most states for humans but for animals I'm not so sure. We just looked at each other and started yelling happily because the idea of having baby cow, I mean cafes was so cute and great!

After a while we stopped and so did Jen and Chris. I thought they might've been hungry and I think so did Rick, because he went and got some food and water for both of them. I wanted to pay him back but he said no, instead he wanted to take ME out to dinner and we have been dating ever since.

We had a date planned for today, he picked me up at 7:30p.m. Sharp because if he was late then I would have to take Jen with me. He grinned at that knowing that I would and that I loved her to death.

 I had only about three hours to get dressed and ready! I texted my dad saying I would be going on a date and would maybe be home at around 10:30 to 11:00p.m. He was a bit protective about me going on dates.

The date went great! He took me to the Farris wheel,even though he works there I never got to do much because I had always brought Jen along.

We were at my door step before I knew it and he gave me the best kiss goodnight I have ever had. My phone rang, interrupting our moment, it was my dad, who sounded panicky when I answered. “She's having the baby,” he exclaimed, since he didn’t know anything about delivering a baby least of all a calve baby, he was panicking.

Richard must have heard because he was taking the keys from my hands before I knew it. After a while I started leading the way to the place we planned to put Jen when she went into delivery. After a while that felt like almost a year, but must have been only was a few minutes, we made it to where Jen was.

She was already delivering her baby girl, so we had to act quick. After what felt like hours which was probably only like two or three, she came out, it didn't look as if jen was going to make it.

And she didn't but it was like we didn’t lose anything, it felt like we gained instead of lost someone who was the most important female I have ever known. To my dad it must have felt like with what happened with my mom all over again, but to me it felt like we had the pleasure of witnessing something wonderful and maybe the most beautiful moment that would ever be known. Giving birth, and with everything that I have, I am going to do everything in my power to take care of Jen's baby and I think so is Richard.

I know for sure that my dad will give me anything for Jenny's baby. Once I thought that maybe Jenny's baby was going to be named Sophie, but now I know for sure it is going to be Gems, it is way better suited for her then Sophie was.

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