00 - prologue

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⚠This story is based off from "Lockout", the movie. New plot is mine. Characters from One Direction do not belong to me. Others characters, however, do. Dont steal my story idea or I will turn you in.⚠

Three days before...

"Well, well, well. Looks like Mr. Styles is here all by himself."

Styles clenched his fists tightly together, his eyes on his most prized possession: that damn case.

"Actually, my buddy is waiting for me. Unlike you. Where's your backup? I can take your ass any day." Styles spits.

"Boys." Jasper snapped his fingers with a small, evil smile on his face.

The small hotel room the men were in was suddenly filled with three men in black suits. Styles let his face drop for a split second before putting on his angry face.

"Your ass better give me that damn case." Styles threatened.

"Or what?" Jasper laughed.

In a flash, Styles reached behind him for his three knives. It was like time was paused because the men were clueless on what was happening. Styles threw one small blade at the shortest guy guarding the door and he fell to his knees with a loud cry.

"Get him!" Jasper screamed and the other two guys grabbed the guns from behind their coats and started shooting at Styles.

Styles jumped down and hid behind a bed while shots were being fired at the sheets and wall. He was out of breath from the adrenalin but quickly regained his composure when the firing died down.

"Did you idiots get him?" Jasper yelled. "Check!"

Styles could see one guy coming towards him. Styles rolled under the bed. The man looked around in utter confusion.

"He's not here, sir."

"He's not?! That's not possible!" Jasper yelled.

Styles gripped a knife in his hand and took in a deep breath before rolling out from underneath the bed, jumping up and slitting the man's throat. The man grabbed his own throat while bleeding out. Disgustingly enough, that man's blood got on Harry's knife and hands.

"Crawford get him!" Jasper has a thing for yelling.

Crawford grabbed a pistol from his belt and shot at Styles. But Styles wasn't about to get shot today. He ran, dodging the fired shots and grabbed a lamp from the night stand, throwing it at Crawford's head, knocking him out.

"We can take this the easy way, or the hard way," Styles said quietly, holding the knife tightly in to left hand.

Jasper looked around in confusion. He was trying to think of an escape plan but it wasn't working.

"FREEZE!" A manly voice yelled from across the street on top of another building. Styles and Jasper both looked out the window and saw the FBI.

"Take the damn case, I don't want to die from a dumbass." Jasper threw the case at Styles which he caught. Jasper turned on his heel but a gun was fired and Jasper had blood pouring from his forehead. And down he went.

"Looks like you're the dumbass here." Styles smirked and began running through the hotel.

Styles knew that the FBI would be after him but he needed to get to the train station a block away from the White House. Styles was meeting his partner in crime there as well as his life long best friend.

Soon, Styles was busting through a random door down the hall. There was couple who was making love on the bed and they were screaming at him. Styles felt very awkward and quickly broke their window and jumped onto the fire escape. He kept jumping down each flight- overcoming his fear of heights.

He couldn't keep jumping though because there was a 30 foot drop and no more fire escapes. There was a dumpster though and so without thought, Styles jumped right down into it and quickly got out, running. The case was still firmly clasped in his hand and thankfully the train station was only two minutes from there.

Styles saw that the FBI was far behind so hid in an alleyway real quick and grabbed out his phone, dialing his friend.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Are you ready?" Styles asked.

"No, I was getting a snack but then you-"

"Zayn! The cops are after me you need to be ready okay?"

"Yes dumbass I am ready."

"Good. On my way right now." Styles hung up and earased Zayn's contact just in case he gets caught. And now he needs to get back on the road again.

But then Styles heard the police sirens and something in his stomach fell. So Styles darted onto the sidewalk, occasionally bumping into a citizen and getting cursed at. The train station was underground and he basically skipped two steps at a time while running down. Styles saw Zayn standing near the lockers- waiting because that where the case was gonna go. But if he spent that time opening the locker, they'll both get caught.

"Zayn! Take this and board the train," Styles said, out of breath and slamming to case against Zayn's chest.


"Now or else we both go to jail!" Styles looked at Zayn with wide eyes and Zayn nodded, running onto the train.

The police were getting closer now and Styles went to run up the stairs on the opposite side, but the police were there.

"Well, shit." Styles sighed, getting pushed against the wall and handcuffed.

Please tell me what you think about this so far!

⚠Warning!⚠ Make sure you are following me because some chapters will be on private.

I will update sometime later, but only if you guys enjoy it. :)


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