"How was your study date with Mr Popular?" she gushed. "Francis told me you tow were paired together! Gosh, you two are so cute!"

I shook my head at her eagerness in amusement. "We're just working together, Fliss. Besides, Seth wasn't particularly pleased about it."

"Not yet, but he will be!" she replied happily. "He'll realise how madly in love with you he is, mark my words my friend!"

Once again I shook my head with a laugh. "In your dreams, Fliss."

"No," she replied seriously. "It'll be in your dreams!"

"Babe," Francis muttered kissing the blonde girl on the cheek. "Leave the poor girl alone."

Fliss sighed and rolled her eyes dramatically. "You're both dream killers!" she muttered. "Where did you go last lesson? I saved you a seat in the study period and you never came!"

"I had to collect my brother from school," I replied. "I bumped into Seth on my way there so we went back to my house to work on the project."

Fliss squealed excitedly and heads turned questioningly in our direction. "HE WENT TO YOUR HOUSE?" she whispered eagerly.

"Shsh!" I hissed elbowing her sharply in her ribs. "Yes but we just worked on the project."

"Did you two kiss?"

I almost spluttered in surprise. "What? No!" I cried and eyes turned to me. "We're not even friends!"

"One day, chica!" Fliss replied confidently.

Thankfully it was at this moment that the bell decided to ring and Fliss had to dart off towards her lesson with Francis in tow. My cheeks were still a bright shade of red as I walked down the corridor to my classroom. My embarrassment was not lessened by the time I walked into the classroom, but somehow I'd managed to cool most of my flaming cheeks but I still looked rather red as I slid into my chair. I hoped – prayed – desperately that I'd be able to make it through the whole hour without any more embarrassment.

"Why do you look like a tomato?"

Startled, I looked up to see Seth grinning down at me. I didn't realise he'd entered the classroom. My mouth fell open as I quickly glanced around to see who else he could be talking to. To my disappointment, no one else was here apart from us. I opened my mouth to speak but no words left it. My cheeks burned again.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," he chuckled, waving a hand in front of my face, amusement laced in his tone.

I cleared my throat and tried again. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked feeling genuinely confused. "Yesterday you hated me ..."

Seth let out an exasperated sigh and he shook his head in frustration. "We're partners now. I just thought that I'd be pleasant to you, but if you want to be petty then forget it," he answered, his tone had turned cold and he stalked away to his desk leaving me staring after him in confusion. Had I said something to offend him?

I watched as he sank down in his chair, my heart sinking slightly as he refused to look at me. I had definitely offended him somehow. Guilt crept up on me and I was about to get up to apologise, but the classroom door had opened and people were beginning to file in. My chance was missed as Seth's friends sauntered in.

"Seth my man!" Matt called as he made his way towards his friend. A blond haired boy, whose name was Noah, followed after him with a couple of the popular girls. "Why did you disappear after footie practice? You practically sprinted off before the rest of us had even got out the shower!"

"I didn't want to be late for class," Seth replied coolly.

"Dude, we made it and the bell's only just gone!" Noah grinned, sitting down in the chair in front of Seth. "Do you really expect us to believe that?"

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