chapter seventeen

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Time jump 2 hours later

Delsin p.o.v

I woke up noticing that Raven was in my arms the whole night. So it wasn't just a dream. Raven's actually here, with me. Suddenly I saw a bright light coming straight towards us. It was near The doorway to Eugene's room but it was too bright to see. Suddenly it jumped on the bed and that was enough to wake Raven up. I looked at it as the light went dimmer. Then I saw his face. "You're up already?" I asked smirking. "Yeah! I'm just sooo psyched to go home dad! Come on get ready!" Zack said as he was neon sprinting around the Whole hideout. Finally, to calm him down, Eugene had to summon one of his angels to catch him and held him until he calmed down. Eugene,Raven and I could've captured him easily but we're all too tired still. What is it....... 5:45 in the morning! "Zack are you crazy! This is way to early! Go to bed!" I said as I fell back down on the pillow.  "Hey! Zack has a point! The earlier we leave the faster earlier we get there. I can't wait to see everyone! I missed them all so much!" Raven said getting up. "Yeah well, you might expect some surprised faces and angry one's too" Eugene said. "What do you mean?". "Do you know how long everyone mourned for you? Even when we all gave up, a tiny piece of hope still remains. After you left, everything was dark and sad" I explained. "And when you just decide to walk back in the Tower after 2 years. You'll see how things turn out". "I see your point..... but they wont kill me or anything. So come on! Let's get going!" Raven said as she flew out of the hideout. "Meet you outside Dad!" Zack said as he neon sprinted outside. I was still getting dressed but Eugene was still in the room. I put on my shirt and my sweater. "Hey Eugene?" I called him. "Yeah what's up Delsin?". "Thanks for protecting my family. They mean everything to me.   I owe you my life" I said. "No don't sweat it. Really" Eugene said being modest. "But they might not have survived if you hadn't saved and sheltered them. And for that I'm grateful". "If I had to do it again, I would. Without any hesitation" Eugene said. I finished getting dressed and walked over to Eugene to give him a hug to show how grateful I am. I ran to the shaft and looked back. "Aren't you coming?". "Oh I'll come later....I'm on this level of Heaven's Hellfire! I'll leave as soon as I finish that level!" Eugene said as he ran into the computer screen. I chuckled and open the shaft to meet Raven and Zack standing there. "Alright let's go home"

Starfire p.o.v

"Where are they? They should've been back by now" I said pacing around our room. "Relax Star! I'm sure Delsin and Gwen are perfectly fine! They just want more time to be by themselves" Dick explained. "Yes I understand that but I'm talking about Michelle and Sabrina! Delsin said to watch her and we don't know where she is! WE LOST DELSIN'S CHILD!!!" I said panicking. "Whoa! Calm down Starfire! Take deep breaths" Dick said. I breathed in and out for the past 2 minutes and I calmed down. ", when did you last see them?". I thought back awhile ago. It was like 10 hours ago.....

Time jump (10 hours ago)

I was in the kitchen, preparing for dinner that night. I remember this because I burnt my finger turning on the stove. Suddenly as I put the pot on the stove to boil, three adorable kids watch me with smiles on their faces. "Oh hello everyone! What can I do for you?" I asked smiling back. "Mom, may we go get some ice cream?" Nick asked. "But you haven't even had dinner yet. I'm afraid that's a no" I said getting back to preparing dinner. While I was get the lettuce and tomatoes from the fridge, I heard whispering behind my back, like they have some sort of plan. "Aunty Starfire, we would like to know if we could go over to Leo's house since he's having dinner alone and uncle Garfield and Aunt Terra are all here" Sabrina asked me. "Yeah that's not the only reason you asked to see Leo huh?!" Nick said smirking. "Shut up!" Michelle said as she slapped Nick in the back of his head. I giggled. 'Oh...little brothers...' I thought. "Fine... but I want you all right back here after dinner there!" I ordered them. "Got it! Bye mom!" Nick and Michelle said. "Yeah bye Aunty Starfire!" Sabrina said.

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