Chapter 7 - Garroth?

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Talking with Levin seemed to take away some of my stress. His past was surprising to me, he told me about how he lived with Zoey and Malachi for a long time. He told me about when Aphmau left bandits attacked Pheonix Drop and they retreated to the Yggdrasil Forrest for so long. When he got a couple of years later he made a smaller Pheonix Drop so that they wouldn't be targeted.

"How did you become lord?" I asked, still curious of his past.

"Well.. no one volunteered and I am the rightful heir so I became lord."

"Oh.." 'So he didn't really have a choice did he..'

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Levin asked looking at my blank (E/C) eyes.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine!" I looked up at the sun and saw it was about 4:00., "I think you might want to go back to doing your lord stuff. You have been talking with me for a while now."

"Yeah.." He mumbled as he pushed himself up off of the irene statue. I stared up at him with my (H/C) hair shining from the sun above us. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back, walking down the pathway of trees.


I stayed at the statue for a while thinking about Levin's background and how interesting it was. I eventually got up and decided to walk around some more. I was walking back to where all the houses were until a girl with pink hair and yellow eyes with black ears and a tail stood in front of me smiling widely. 

"Hi!" She said loudly in a high pitched voice.. at least it's not as annoying as Michi's.

"H-Hello," I mumble, still not used to introducing myself.

"You're (Y/N) right?! People have been talking about how you hang out with Travis and Levin a lot!" 'Do they only know me by that?' I nod at her, answering her question.

She squealed as she took my wrist and pulled me into her house to reveal a kitchen. "Kawaii-Chan needs to introduce myself!" She exclaimed, twisting her figure around to look at me, "I'm Kawaii-Chan!"

"Well.. you already know my name so.. nice to meet you Kawaii-Chan." I awkwardly say, looking at her kitchen.

"Everyone knows you in Phoenix Drop by now! Anyways, Kawaii-Chan needs to go get some things, could you stay and watch Dimitri and Nekoette-Tan?" I was confused but I nodded my head anyway agreeing. She called Dimitri and Nekoette down tell them that I am looking after them for a while. I heard muffled footsteps go down the stairs until I suddenly seen two kids with blue hair. One of the kids had light blue hair and white ears with a pair of yellow eyes that looked like Kawaii-Chan's. The other kid had dark blue hair and gray eyes.

I stared at both of them while they stared back at me. Kawaii-Chan ended the silence and said, "I'm leaving (Y/N) to take care of you! Be safe, I love you!" She ran over to both of them and gave them a kiss on the forehead.. something a regular mother would do.

I sighed as she left, not as much pressure to impress someone was on my shoulders. I glanced at the kids who were still curiously staring at me. I gave them a smile smile and crouch down to their level. "What would you like to do today?" I asked, trying to be as sweet as I could. Nekoette-Tan smiled at me and said, "I want to learn more self defense with Dimitri!" 'Self defense?'

"Yeah I need to practice with my swords!" Dimitri exclaimed, pulling out two swords from behind him. I stared at them blankly for a while until they started begging me. "Please, please, with a cherry on top!" Nekoette-Tan begged as she opened the door to go outside. I sighed and nodded, allowing them to increase their 'self defense' outside. Of course I followed them, I'm not that stupid. I closed the door behind us as I walked outside with them.

Surprisingly, Dimitri wasn't as bad with the swords as I thought he would be. He teached Nekoette-Tan new things as he learned them. I smiled at their relationship together, it was really like having a brother and sister relationship. I had a feeling that Kawaii-Chan would come soon so I quickly rushed the children inside after a while, hoping that Kawaii-Chan wouldn't find out.

When Kawaii-Chan came back she tried to thank me with cake but I politely declined. She said that I reminded her of Aphmau and how she was so polite with people. I smiled at her but didn't really understand since I have not taken the time to really get to know Aphmau that much. But then she started a conversation that I was slightly interested in, Aphmau's guards.

She tells me about Laurence, Aaron, and Travis. She also talks about how Dante was her old guard but he started to be Levin's while she was gone. I didn't know Dante at all but I found out that he was the father of Dimitri and Nekoette-Tan so he must have blue hair. "She also had this other guard in the past but he was left behind.."

"Left behind?" I question her curiously.

"Yes.. he was left behind in the Irene dimension. He has light blue eyes and blonde hair that goes across his face."

"What's his name?"

"Garroth.." She answered. I began to feel sick to my stomach and suddenly I couldn't listen from the sickness anymore. My head started to throb as my vision starts to blink black. I quickly try to stand up but the throbbing in my head suddenly makes me crash into the ground, making me pass out.


I opened my eyes to pitch black. I stand up and glance around me seeing nothing. Trying to be a brave person, I started to walk forwards. In the distance I see a silhouette of a man and I quicken my pace trying to get to him. As I quickly walk closer I see blonde hair and sparkling light blue eyes. Unintentionally, a name escapes my mouth, "Garroth?"

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