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Ymir: As you asked on the previous chapter I'm going to tell you if I ship Erwin and Levi...

Writer: So?

Ymir: Nah, I don't ship it.

Writer: I'm pretty sure you hate every ship.

Ymir: Not true! It's just that Levi looks somehow, I don't know, homosexual or at least bisexual and Erwin is such a man! He is both good looking and strong at the same time.

Writer: Just a reminder, Levi is the humanity's strongest. *smirks*

Ymir: You know what I mean! Levi looks more fragile and his height does not help.

Writer: *loudly whispers* ERERI!!

Ymir: But I can say that I ship Erwin with--

Writer: STOP! Say that on another chapter, not here.

Ymir: Weirdo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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