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Writer: Ymir, what do you think of Eremika?

Ymir: Well hello to you as well!

Writer: Okay let me start again... Hey Ymir! What do you think of Eremika?

Ymir: Okay... That sounds fake but okay. So Eremika? Eren and Mikasa?

Writer: Yep!

Ymir: Aren't they something like siblings?

Writer: Yep they are.

Ymir: Oh no... don't tell me that you like that ship. *makes a discussed face*

Writer: Nah, as I said before I'm all the way Ereri!!

Ymir: Well screw you and your ships!

Writer: So that means... (?)

Ymir: That means that no I don't like Eremika... Mikasa is too good for Eren and he is being a lil piece of shit.

Writer: Okay I guess that's enough. See ya later!!

Ymir: Yeah see you when you come up with another ship cuz that's the only reason why you hang out with me.

Writer: Well that's not true... I'm also bored af and I have nothing else to do so I'm here! *smiles*

Ymir: GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!! *freaks out*

Writer: Jee, relax.

Ymir reacts to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now