Chapter One.

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I was sitting on my bed,Melody's charm bracelet in my hand.All the memories passed through my mind and I send it and it crashed in the wall.

"Hey"this voice said.

Oh no... not her.

I did not say anything but watched the floor both of my hands intertwined.

"I'm sorry for Melody"She said while sitting next to me.

I know that she is not really sorry,but I prefer not to read her mind or I'll destroy something or someone.

"Hey,it's okay,I'm here"She said while putting an arm around me.

"I need to hunt"I said and jumped dissapearing and making sure that Tanya did not follow me.

** Four hours later**

"What do you mean by dissapeared?"I shouted with all my lungs.

"I don't know Edward her body just dissapeared when I went to the kitchen"Rose said.

I gave a punch in the wall.

"What can have happen?"Bella asked.

"It must have been some vampires here who smelled her blood and they were curious"Carlisle said.

"We must found her before they hurt her"I said angry and worried.

"But she is dead Edward"Tanya said.

Just by hearing that something in me crashed her in the wall my hand under her throat.

"Edward stop she is right!"Emmett said while slowly removing my hands from Tanya's throat.

"I don't care"I said while opening the door "I'll find her" and closed it making a loud noise.

I took my car not really knowing where I should go then I got an idea.I removed my phone and phoned Tyler :

"What?"He said with a sort of angry tone.

"I need your help"I said.

"Oh really?"And I could swear that he was smirking. "What would I have in exchange?"

"I don't think you'll want something cause you'll do it also because you need to"I said.

"What is it?"He asked surprised.
I explained to him about the body dissapearing--

"What?!"He shouted "How can you fucking lose a body?!"

"The point is that I need you to find her by smelling her scent on her clothes."I said.

"I have been with her for years,I don't need her clothes to know her scent"He said sarcastically.

I growled,I hate when he talk about his relationship with her,I know it's normal but sometimes.. I can't contain this feeling... I think that it's called jealousy or something.

"Just come"I said and hung up.

The parents of Melody had been harassing Charlie about where is Melody,why she sent a weird message about her loving them... so Esme found a way to calm things.

Someone knocked at my door,of course Tyler.I rolled my window down and he was frowning watching the woods.

"What is happening?"I asked.

"I smell something,it's not a vampire"Tyler said while he was starting to run.

"I don't smell anything"I said while focusing on the smell.


"You can go now"I said while watching Dylan exiting.

And then I focused again on that pale body,no heartbeat... nothing.


I know this scent... I smell it once but I don't remember when.

After fifteen minutes of running we were here.

"We arrived"I exhaled. "We have some company".


All around us was vampires by looking at their eyes they feed themselves of human blood.

"We've been searching for you"One of them a men with blond hair said to Tyler.

"You know them?"I whispered.

"If I knew them my wolf teeth would not be out."He said growling.

"Gentlemen,gentlemen stop  playing with my creation"A man from the house exited.

He was wearing a suit,his hair black and his skin really pale his eyes... red.

"Creation?"Tyler froze when he said it.

"I'm the one who bite you"He said "My name is Gale"

"It's more like son of a bitch!"Tyler shouted while he run in Gale direction.

In a fraction of second Gale hand was under Tyler's neck and after some breaths Gale send him on the floor.

"I don't like the way you talk to your creator"Gale said while removing the dust from his hands.

Tyler stood up and was glaring at him his fists clench.

"Tyler we are not here to fight"I growled.

Don't you dare telling me what to do!He thought yelling.

"Ow,who are you?"Gale said watching me suspiciously.

"I'm Edward Cullen"I said carefully listening to his thoughts.

Ew.The vegetarian.

"And why are you here?"He asked.

"I'm here because you son of a b--"Gale glared at Tyler while he was talking "You kidnap my friend"Tyler said exhaling furiously.

He smiled.

"Your girlfriend you mean?"Gale said.

"Where is she?"I shouted.

The sound of a door opening catched my attention and then if my heart was still beating it would have stopped.

I did not know if it was my imagination who was playing a trick to me,I wanted to shout,cry many emotions were following some that I did not recognised.

With my vampire eyes I was able to see her in the last room,her eyes closed.The one who opened the door was a black man with brown eyes.

"She is gaining colour"Tyler whispered not believing it.

And for once he was right.I fell on my knees staring at Melody,she was not pale like before she was gradually gaining her pink colour and then I heard the sound that was missing me.I heard her heart beating but it was slow,tired, fighting to be able to gain force, but it was beating.

Her heart is beating.

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