Chapter 2: beginning of the end

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Okay I'm so sorry I havent updated!!! And ik tyler wouldnt be in high school but whatevs ;)! hope you like it!

Tyler's POV

I was excited to finish school but I didn't want to be treated like the celeb. I just kinda wished that I could be treated like a normal high school student for once but I doubt that'll happen. But it will only last two months how hard will it be? I can just finish and at least try to act normal.

"Tyler?" a man said. He was wearing a tux and a black hat.

"Oh..yeah hey that's me." I said. "Are you my driver?" He nodded. Senior year here I come.

*Two days later*

Ash's POV

Monday morning. Ugh. I finally rolled out of bed and put some jeans and a white vneck Tshirt on. I took my messy bun out and brushed my long wavy strawberry blonde hair, letting it hang naturally. I put my mint eos and a little mascara on. Before I headed down the stairs I kissed two of my finger tips and put it on the framed picture of my mom standing on my desk. I missed her.

My mom died about three years ago. She was driving home from work when someone who was drunk driving hit her and she died instantly. Now it's just my dad, my brother Liam (who is a year younger than me), and I. My dad has a full time job so I only see him for a short moment in the morning.

Once I was downstairs I saw Liam eating cereal at the island "Morning." I said as I opened the drawer where the granola bars were. I shut it and turned around heading to the door. I grabbed my dirty black high tops. While I tied them I looked at Liam who was just sitting stuffing his face and looking out the window. He turned his head knowing I was looking at him. "What!" he said with his eyes widening. "I don't know maybe I'm waiting for a simple hello." I said. "Hello." he said with a plain expression. I gave him a face like 'you're kidding, right'. "Yeah whatever bye." I finally said grabbing by board and walking out the door.

Tyler's POV

I hopped out of my black range rover. Here it was. High school. All of a sudden a blob of people rushed up to me. I heard hi's and Tyler's and hey's and oh my gosh's from all different directions. I smiled and tried to act cool and wave and such.

I finally got in the building where the principal was standing waiting for me, "Hello Mr. Posey I'm the principal Mrs. Smith, we are very pleased to have you here." I thanked her and shook her hand. "Students go to your lockers and get to class the day will begin soon Tyler can't chat right now." She winked at me and guided me to what looked like the office. "This is Ms. Tracy our attendance lady and she is going to get your schedule situated. Hope you enjoy it here!" I looked at the short plump woman behind the desk who was on the phone. She gestured she only needed a minute. So I stood against the wall looking out the window.

Ash's POV

I jumped off my board as I approached the school and picked it up. There were large blobs of girls talking and laughing every where, many were by the office for some reason which made it worse for me because I had to get in there. I had to give Ms. Tracy a pre-planned absence slip for a doctors appointment on Wednesday.

"Excuse me."

"Excuse me."

"Excuse me."

I kept having to say this to get through the blob of girls by the office door before I finally got my hand on the doorknob and turned it making the slightest opening for me to squeeze through. I let out a sigh of relief as I sat in one of the two chairs in the room, leaning my board on my knee. I put my bag on the floor and reached down and pulled out my slip from one of its pockets. I looked up and there was a boy in loose jeans a green Tshirt and a leather jacket. I couldn't completely see his face but then he looked at me from the corner of his eye and said "Nice board" I smiled "Thanks." blushing being the awkwardly shy person I am then looked away. Ms. Tracy was still on the phone. The boy finally sat in the chair next to me. I peeked at him and saw his familiar face. How do I know him?...and then it hit me. Tyler Posey. It made so much sense now with all the girls. He turned his head toward me and smiled, "Hey I'm Tyler," putting his hand out and I shook it. I don't know why but I got goosebumps when our hands touched and almost passed out as our eyes locked. The moment that our hands were shaking felt like a full 60 seconds as if time had stopped. I finally sucked myself back into reality and managed to say my name "Ashely. I go by Ash." I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear on one side while we took our hands away.

Tyler's POV

"Ashely. I go by Ash for short." 

We smiled at each other and I finally said "Cool." She was beautiful. Her hazel eyes looked fake and her freckles on her cheeks were flawless. 

"Oh you're the new boy who's from the big tv show."

 "Yup that's me, the 'star'." rolling my eyes. She giggled. "So you're not one of the fangirls who's gonna scream in my face every time we pass in the hallway?".

 "Oh no, I honestly just started hearing about you, not to be rude." she said. 

"No that's extremely cool" I was looking into her eyes when the lady got off the phone

 "Sorry about that guys what are you both here for." 

I looked at Ash and said "Lady's first". She got up and gave a small piece of paper to Ms. Tracy and shortly turned back around. I walked up and looked back at Ash zipping her bag before mumbling "Ohh ummm yeah, I'm Tyler, today's my first day." She looked at me, smiled, handed me my schedule and quickly told me about what I need to bring to every class. I nodded turning back around to grab my bag. "But this is a pretty big school and I saw you and Ms. Parker getting to know one another... maybe she can show you around, if that's alright with you both. I would let all of your teachers periods 1-4 know so you won't be marked absent." I looked down at Ash, who was still fiddling with her bag. "Umm I will if he wants me to..." she said looking at Ms. Tracy then looking at me. "Yeah, sure, definitely." I guess high school won't be so bad after all.

Ill update soon Vote Comment and Share pleeeeease!!!!!

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