Chapter 4

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Ok so here's the new chapter thanks for all the reads so far it means a lot:)

Louis' pov

I can't believe I just broke up with Eleanor...! I felt so, so free!

* flash back*

" hey Lou!" El said through the phone. I could tell she had a smile on her face but not for long.

" Hey el uh we need to talk." I sigh. " Eleanor I don't think we should be together anymore."

" Oh? Well that's alright I guess I mean I will be fine!" Eleanor sighed but tried to sound happy.

" oh alright El I'm really sorry."

" Don't worry about it Lou." She hung up and I put my phone down.

* end of flashback *

I wanted to ask Lauren out but that would be silly I mean we are best friends only that! I heard a knock on the bathroom door and i opened it. " Lauren!" I smile. I step outside and shut the bathroom door. She led me to her room and smiled. It was my birthday tomorrow I just remembered!

" Happy early birthday Louis!" She squeals opening her small bedroom door. I saw little Christmas lights hanging up with a small picnic on her bed. I laughed and hugged her. " thanks." I mumbled into her shoulder. I must've forgotten to mention she smelled so good. Like strawberries!

Harry's pov

I saw Louis walk into Lauren's small room with a smile. They shut the door and I sighed. I wish I didn't like her but I knew Louis likes her just from the way he looks at her! I wonder what they are doing in there. It was Louis' birthday tomorrow so Probaly a small celebration between the two. Me and Niall were chatting lightly as I thought about Lauren.

Lauren's pov

I laughed at Louis' joke and I took a bite from my sandwich. " oh Lou! You have to get ready for the concert!" I stood up an quickly cleaned up the small picnic I had made. " come on!" I dragged him over to Lou and saw the others waiting. Lou started to style their hair and I relaxed on the couch. I wish my camper was like this. It's like camper paradise!


We arrived at the concert and I heard screaming. I had always been real claustrophobic so Louis held me into him and led me inside. I sighed. God I hated crowded spaces they just creep me out! Louis had told me about him and Eleanor and my insides went crazy! I was so happy he was single! Wait, that doesn't seem right! I should feel bad for him, yea I feel bad not happy, but bad.

The boys did their sound check and got ready for the concert. I went and squeezed down in the front row. I smiled when the guards. ' guarded' me.


After the concert I met the boys and we all headed off to the nearest pub. I thought they were to young to drink but who cares! I don't drink much anyways maybe a beer or two but that's about it I don't like getting drunk, I end up with major head aches and its not very fun being in the bathroom all morning eiether. Yuck.

HEY!:) so new chapter how you enjoy as always thanks for almost 70 reads in a day! That's crazy maybe try to get to 100 today?




And all that other crap;)


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