Chapter 3

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ok enjoy me little muchachas.:)

Louis' pov.

I needed to get Lauren up but she was so cute when she slept. I don't know why I'm saying that I mean she's my best friend! Not my girlfriend. I plan on breaking up with Eleanor today because I just wasnt feeling it anymore you know?

I knock on Lauren's door and with no response I walk in and shut the door. I didn't have feelings for her she was my best friend and only that, I'm sure she wouldn't like me like that anyway. I rub my chin and sigh. Wow. I need to shave. I gently shake Lauren and she awakes within minutes. I smile at her. " Lou you need to shave. " she pokes my stubble chin and laughs.

I laugh. " I know I do I was thinking that myself darling." I chuckle and stand up. " it's time to get up your coming to an interview with us. If you don't get up I have silly string and I'm not afraid to use it." I threat holding my silly string can to her face.

" ok ok I'm coming." She stands up and yawns. " now get out so I can dress." She shoos me out and shuts the door.

Lauren's pov.

I shut the door in Louis' face and take my suitcase out and lay it on my bed. I dig through it till I take out some pink skinny jeans and a black top with a bow on it that drapes over my shoulder. I take out a tanktop and bra with some underwear and I dress into my outfit. I walk out and into the small bathroom they had. I had already set up all my bathroom stuff where I needed it to be earlier so I was all set. I combed my hair and put in some feathery earrings. I sighed and went to grab my eyeliner when Louis took it.

" Louis!" I squeal running after him. I couldn't go a day with out makeup, if I didn't, well let's say its not pretty. I ran after him and jumped on his back. I tackle him and start to tickle him. I know how ticklish he is so he instantly drops my eyeliner. " ha!" I grab my eyeliner and run away to the bathroom. I shut the door an make sure to lock it this time.

Once I'm done I walk out and Niall wolf whistles again. I laugh along with everyone else and I see they are all ready. I link arms with Louis and we were somehow already at the interview. Well we were on a bus so haha. We walked inside and Louis gave me a backstage pass. I sat on a couch and watched as they set up the interview.

* after the long and boring interview* ( haha )

I slept on the couch during the interview I mean seriously the lady asks all the same questions as all the other interviews they have had! And get your eyes off Louis! He is mine! Wait wait! No he isn't mine he is Eleanor's, I don't like him he is my best friend! I stand up. " good job!" I smile high fiving each boy. We laugh and walk out. " so what's for dinner?" Me and Niall say at the same time causing everyone to laugh again. Gosh, everyone's laugh is so darn funny it makes me laugh harder!

I held my brush up to my mouth and started singing. ' running on sunshine' grey's anatomy version and I laughed when Alex's part came on. It's so funny I mean. " Soooommmthen tells me your name Is Lucy." It's just the something part that makes me laugh till I cry. I was in my small room dancing and signing along to the grey's Anatomy music event songs. Yes I'm obsessed with grey's anatomy. Judge if you must. I heard laughing and I turned around. " Louis!" I hit his chest playfully and sit down on my bed.

" beauuutifullll singing." He mocked Alex's part and we both laughed. I laid down in my bed and got under the polk a dotted covers.

" I'm going to bed Lou." I gave him a quick hug and he left laughing. It was 11 and boy I was tired. I turned off my lamp and sighed happily going into my dream world.

You can say I've had weird dreams and oh yea I have. So weird it's bizzare how my mind can think of stuff like that!

* dream* ( hey sorry I'm on my phone so I can't do that special writing or whatever )

I smiled and danced on my pink cloud with Louis. We had started dating and it was just a blast. He was like the best kisser! I jumped on my unicorn and rode away with Louis into the rainbow of happiness.

* end of dream I suppose *

I sat up and laughed lightly to myself. Crazy dreams I tell you. Crazy. I check my phone and see its only 2:34 am. I sigh and decided to go back to bed I mean I have to attend the boys concert tomorrow and go out with them to Celebrate the new ' Tmh' tour. I closed my eyes and fell back into a deep sleep.

Alright so that chappie was long thanks so much for 63 reads in one day I mean omg amazing! I feel like this is going to be a good book for me and for you so keep reading:) omg someone took my signature username I came up with it and someone stole it on here! Gosh darn it! Like ugh it's my Instagram and twitter and ugh like oh and kik! It's like get your own username! Anyways you know the drill.




And all that other crap;)

~ Nialler'sgurl

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